Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Only Solution to the Greatest Problem!

Sin is the Greatest Problem Facing Humanity

Sin has caused wars between nations, conflict between individuals and groups, fear and anxiety, illness and death, and all kinds of natural and human-influenced disasters.

In the Bible, the beginning chapters of the book of Genesis report that the curse of sin after the fall of Adam and Eve disrupted three basic relationships.  First, men and women were separated from God when they became subject to spiritual death (Genesis 3:6-13).  Second, they became at odds with nature.  From then on it would resist their efforts to cultivate and control it (Genesis 3:17-19).  Third, people were separated from each other as sin brought envy and conflict into the world.

Everyone who dies, no matter from what cause, dies as a victim of sin.  Romans 6:23 says, "The wages of sin is death."  Every human being is subject to the fearful power of sin.

The Definition and Characteristics of Sin

The definition of sin is simple:  "sin is lawlessness" (1 John 3:4).  Practicing sin is living as if there were no God and no law.  It is arrogantly living on one's own terms, not being bound by God's standards.  Sin is not only open disregard of God's Law, but also a defiling or polluting of the divine standard.  Sin makes a person's soul stained with guilt and unrighteousness.  

Sin is rebellion against God.  Scripture describes those who rebel as people who walk contrary to God and defy Him (Leviticus 26:27).  If sinners had their way, they would go as far as overthrowing God which is what Satan attempted to do (Isaiah 14:12-21).   

Sin causes a multitude of people to live each day in absolute ingratitude despite the fact that God created them to praise and glorify Him forever -- a loftier purpose than they could ever imagine on their own.  All people owe their very existence and all that they have to God.  Acts 17:28 says, "For 'in Him we live and move and have our being' . . . 'For we are indeed His offspring.'"

The Extent of Sin

The book of Romans clearly states that sin's extent is universal:  "'None is righteous, no, not one; no one understands; no one seeks for God.  All have turned aside, together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one'" (Romans 3:10-12).

When we enter this world, we are already sinners.  Sin is in our natures, woven into the fabric of our lives.  That's because we are all descendants of Adam, and as such, we all bear his corruption.  

As if it weren't bad enough that humanity's fall into sin subjected the whole creation to many miseries and hardships (Genesis 3:8-24; Romans 8:18-22), the most devastating result of sin is that it has the power to condemn the soul to eternal punishment and separation from God in hell.  

With sin, humanity has a horrible, pervasive, incurable spiritual disease that cannot be defeated by human means (Jeremiah 13:23).  Men and women in their own strength cannot cure the sin that is within them because their minds and consciences are defiled and depraved.  There is simply no human remedy for the problem of sin.  It will not be cured by any acts of human will, any programs of moral reformation or educational renewal, no pieces of legislation, no efforts of man-made counselling, and consultation, nor any deeds of self righteousness.

Good News:  The Solution

But if humans can't cure themselves of sin, what can they do about it?  The answer is found in Romans 6:23:  "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

The apostle Paul expresses two absolute truths in that verse.  First, he reminds us that spiritual death results from sin.  It is the rightful destiny of every life that is lived apart from God.  Second, the verse tells in one concise statement the remedy for sins effects -- salvation freely granted through Jesus Christ.  Paul writes in the book of Ephesians:  "For by grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9).

The gospel -- the good news of Jesus Christ -- offers the only solution to the stark reality of sin.  Because of God's immeasurable love for His creation, He provided a way for all humanity to experience the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.  Jesus is "the way, and the truth, and the life."  Not one person will be rid of their sin except through believing in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (John 14:6).  

Jesus was not just an ordinary person, prophet, or Jewish scholar.  He was the perfect, sinless Son of God -- God incarnate.  Jesus was the only one who could take our place on the cross, and He died the death that we deserve for our rebellion against God.  Because of Jesus's sacrifice, those who repent of their sin and trust in Him alone for salvation receive the good news:  Their sins are forever washed away, and they are adopted into God's family as beloved children. 

The darkness of sin is no match against the light of Jesus Christ and the good news of salvation that He offers.  Turn and repent of your sinful rebellion against God today, and receive new life and the promise of eternity with our loving Saviour.  

Heavenly  Father, I believe that Jesus Christ is your Son, and that He died on the cross to save me from my sin.  I believe that He rose again to life, and that He invites me to live forever with Him as part of your family.  Because of what Jesus has done, I ask you to forgive me of my sin, and allow me to receive eternal life.  Help me to live in a way that pleases and honours You.  Amen.

If you would like more information about the good news that Jesus offers, we encourage you to meet with a Christian friend and begin attending a local Bible-believing church.  Find someone who is knowledgeable about the Bible and can help you learn more about God.

-- John MacArthur

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Have You Been Born Again?

Have You Been Born Again?

A Jewish religious leader named Nicodemus once visited Jesus.  Like many people, Nicodemus expected that his good life would earn him a home in Heaven when he died.  Imagine how he felt when Jesus said to him, "Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3).

Jesus explained to Nicodemus that the new birth is a spiritual change that can only be brought about by God.  The moment a lost sinner repents of his sins and trusts Jesus as the only one who can save him from the eternal judgment of his sins, he is born again.  God gives him a spiritual nature through which he can understand and enjoy the things of God:  that person is spiritually born into God's family!  

What Jesus told Nicodemus 2000 years ago is just as true today.  We may try to live a good life, go to church, or engage in other commendable activities, but we still must be "born again" in order to be a member of God's family.

Have you been born again?  This is life's most important question, because your answer will affect all of your eternity.  

How Can You Know?

How can you know that you have been born again?  The Bible lists six characteristics of someone who has been "born again."  These are not requirements in order to be born again, but life changes that show God is at work in your life.  They are the evidence that you have truly been born spiritually into a new, life changing relationship with God!

1. Believing in Christ

"Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God" (1 John 5:1).

Someone who is born again believes that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God.  That He was sent by God the Father to pay the penalty for man's sin by His death on the Cross.  His resurrection from the dead on the third day is proof that He is able to forgive us and bring us into fellowship with the Father.  Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life:  no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me" (John 14:6).

A born again Christian does not merely know the facts about Jesus Christ, but he has entrusted his life to Him as Saviour.  The child of God does not depend on his church, his good deeds, or his pastor to bring him eternal life.  The Bible says, "As many as received Him [Jesus Christ], to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name" (John 1:12).

2.  Practicing Righteousness

"Every one that doeth righteousness is born of Him" (1 John 2:29).

For the person who is born again, Christ is not only a Saviour but also an example.  Believers are to keep God's commandments (John 14:15, 15:14) to please God.  The true Christian lives to please his Heavenly Father and tries to avoid those things God hates.

3.  Loving Other Christians

"We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren" (1 John 3:14).

Like Jesus, the child of God loves even his enemies; but he has a special love for those who are fellow believers.  They may be different from him in race, personality, and culture, but they are all members of the same family.  "This is the message that ye heard from the beginning, that we should love one another" (1 John 3:11).

4.  Overcoming the World

"Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world" (1 John 5:4).

Someone who is born again does not follow the world's ever-changing standard of right and wrong.  He does not mind opposing the world's ways, because he seeks God's praise more than man's and fears offending God more than offending man.

5.  Not Habitual Sinning

"No one born of God makes a practice of sinning" (1 John 3:9).

The true Christian does not habitually sin, because he wants to please God.  Although he is far from perfect, he knows that "if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:  old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new" (2 Corinthians 5:17).  If he does sin, he can confess it directly to God and "He is faithful and just to forgive" (1 John 1:9).

6.  Keeping Oneself Pure

"He that is begotten of God keepeth himself"  (1 John 5:18).

A person who is born again tries not only to avoid sin, but also to avoid anything that may lead to it.  He is like a soldier in enemy territory continually on guard.  He knows he can't keep temptation from coming, but by knowing God's word and through prayer he can resist it.

The Test

These are six characteristics of a "born again" Christian.  Each of these traits may not be equally obvious in your life.  But if you are born again, God is developing these traits in you.  Are you born again?

If you have never been born again or you are not sure, you can be sure right now.  Pray right now, asking God to forgive your sins, turn from sinning, and believe in Jesus Christ as your Saviour.  "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved" (Romans 10:13).

-- J. C. Ryle

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Heaven . . . You Can Know For Sure

You Can Know

There's no need to wonder if you will go to Heaven after death.

"These things have I written unto you . . . that ye may know that ye have eternal life . . . " 1 John 5:13

Can you say that you are 100 percent sure that you will go to Heaven when you die?

If not, you will find the following truths helpful in understanding this important subject.  These truths are taken from the Holy Bible.

We Have All Sinned

"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3:23

The word sin means to miss the mark, or come short of perfection, by disobeying God.  The Bible reminds us that one time or another we have all disobeyed God.  

Sin Has a Penalty

"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23

A wage is a payment.  The payment for your sin is death and separation from God in a place the Bible calls Hell.  

"And these shall go away into everlasting punishment:  but the righteous into life eternal." Matthew 25:46

Jesus Paid the Penalty

"But God commendeth (proved) His love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."  Romans 5:8

God proved His love for you by sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross and pay the penalty for your sin.  Jesus died in your place.  His death has provided the only way to Heaven.  

Believe on Jesus Today

"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God has raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Romans 10:9

Believing on Jesus Christ as Saviour means to trust in Jesus Christ alone for eternal life (Heaven).  You must have faith that He died to pay the price for your sin, rose again three days later, and that He is the only way to Heaven.  You can express your belief on Jesus through prayer.

Pray Sincerely . . . 

"Dear Jesus, I know I am a sinner and that I deserve Hell.  I believe You died on the cross, paid the penalty for my sin, and rose from the dead three days later.  I am placing my faith in You alone to forgive my sin and save me.  Thank you for giving me eternal life.  In Jesus' name,   Amen."

It is Good to Know

The assurance that you have eternal life is based on God's unchanging Word.  

The Bible provides this assurance to those who believe on Him.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."  John 3:16

God does not lie.  He has promised everlasting life to those who believe on Him as Saviour.

"In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began."  Titus 1:2

"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life:  and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."  John 3:36

"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."  Romans 10:13

Not only does God provide the assurance of salvation (eternal life), but He also promises that He will never leave us.

Jesus Will Never Leave You

You can rest in the fact that Jesus Christ will never leave you.  

". . .  I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."  Hebrews 13:5

Once you have received Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you cannot lose eternal life.  It is forever settled and secure in the hand of God.

"And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.  My Father which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.  I and my Father are one."  John 10:28-30

-- Mark Manning

Monday, September 3, 2018


A recent poll indicated that for every person who believes he or she is going to hell, there are 120 who believe they're going to heaven.

This optimism stands in stark contrast to Jesus Christ's words written in the Bible:  "Enter by the narrow gate.  For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.  For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few" (Matthew 7:13-14).

The truth is that according to the Bible we don't automatically go to heaven.  In fact, hell -- not heaven -- is our default destination.  Unless our sin problem is solved once and for all, we can't enter heaven.  That's the bad news.

But once that's straight in our minds we're ready to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.  Jesus took upon Himself, on the cross, the hell we deserve so that we could experience for eternity the heaven we don't deserve!


There are two possible destinations when we die:  heaven or hell.  Can we really know in advance where we'll go?  John, one of the writers of the Bible, said this:  "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God that you may know that you have eternal life"  (1 John 5:13).

We can know for sure that we'll go to heaven when we die.  Do you?

To sin means to fall short of God's holy standards.  Sin is what ended paradise in the garden of Eden.  And all of us, like Adam and Eve, are all sinners.  "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).  Sin separates us from a relationship with God (Isaiah 59:2)  and it deceives us and makes us think that wrong is right and right is wrong (Proverbs 14:12).  Sin has terrible consequences but God has provided a solution:  "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23).

Jesus Christ, the Son of God, loved us so much that He left the riches of heaven to become a man and deliver us from our sin.  "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16).  He came to identify with us in our humanity and our weakness but He did so without being tainted by our sin, self-deception, and moral failings (Hebrews 4:15-16).  Jesus died on the cross as the only one worthy to pay the penalty for our sins demanded by the  Holiness of God: "For our sake He made Him [Jesus] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God" (II Corinthians 5:21).  But in victory over death, God raised Jesus from the grave, defeating the consequences of sin (I Corinthians 15:3-4, 54-57).

When Christ died on the cross for us, He said, "It is finished" (John 19:30).  In those times "It is finished" was commonly written across certificates of debt when they were canceled.  It meant "Paid in full."  Christ died so that the certificate of debt consisting of all our sins could once and for all be marked "Paid in full."


Only when our sins are dealt with in Christ can we enter heaven.

We cannot pay our own way.  Jesus said, "No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6).  "There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12).  Because of Jesus Christ's sacrificial death on the cross on our behalf, God freely offers us forgiveness.

To be forgiven we must recognize and repent of our sins.  Forgiveness is not automatic.  It's conditioned upon confession: "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9).  Christ offers to everyone the gifts of forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life.  "Let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price" (Revelation 22:17).

 There's no righteous deed we can do that will earn us a place in heaven (Titus 3:5).  We come to Christ empty-handed.  We can take no credit for salvation.  "For by grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9).  This gift cannot be worked for, earned, or achieved.  It's dependent solely on Christ's generous sacrifice on our behalf.

Now is the time to make things right with God.  Confess your sinfulness and accept the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on your behalf.

You are made for a person and a place.  Jesus is the person and heaven is the place.  They are a package -- they come together.  You cannot get heaven without Jesus or Jesus without heaven.  "Seek the Lord while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near" (Isaiah 55:6).  For all eternity you'll be glad you did.

If you understand what God has done to make forgiveness and eternal life possible for you, you may want to express it in words like these:  "Dear Lord, I confess that I do not measure up to Your perfect standard.  Thank you for sending Jesus to die for my sins.  I now place my trust in Him as my Saviour.  Thank you for your forgiveness and the gift of eternal life."

--- Randy Alcorn

Friday, July 13, 2018

Are You Going to Heaven?

What do you feel is the best basis for reaching Heaven?

  1. Keeping the Ten Commandments
  2. Gifts to charity
  3. Doing my best
  4. Leading a good life
  5. Good works
  6. Trying to obey the Golden Rule
  7. Tithing or giving to the church
  8. Church membership
  9. Regular church attendance
  10. Prayers
  11. Fasting
  12. Baptism
  13. Holy Communion
  14. Born of Christian parents
  15. Confirmation
  16. Penance
  17. Extreme Unction
Read further to find out if, according to God's Word, the Bible, you're on the way to Heaven.

1 -- The Ten Commandments are God's absolute rules for living.  No man has ever perfectly kept God's laws -- except for God's only Son, Jesus.  A person will never reach Heaven through his or her own efforts.  The Bible says:  Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no flesh be justified in His [God's] sight:  for by the law is the knowledge of sin (Romans 3:20).

2, 3, 4 -- Gifts to charity, doing your best, leading a good life are commendable acts, but according to the Bible, they will not save anyone: Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us (Titus 3:5).

5, 6, 7 -- Neither good works, trying to obey the Golden Rule, or giving to the church will get you to Heaven.  God's Word says:  For by grace ye are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves:  it is the gift of God:  not of works, lest any man should boast (Ephesians 2;8-9),

8, 9, 10, 11 -- Church membership, regular church attendance, prayers, and fasting are good in themselves, but they can never justify sinners before a holy God:  We are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6).  

12, 13 -- Without trusting in Jesus Christ, baptism and communion cannot help.  The Bible shows clearly that these are of spiritual value only when one believes in Jesus Christ.  See Acts 8:12; 1 Corinthians 11:2, 23-32.

14 -- Children born into Christian homes need to be saved just like anyone else.  As many as received Him [Christ], to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His Name:  which were born, not of blood [not of one's parentage], nor of the will of the flesh, nor the will of man, but of God (John 1:12-13).

15, 16, 17 -- Confirmation, penance, and extreme unction are not the means for going to Heaven.  God has provided only one way of salvation.

So what is God's only way of salvation?  The one and only means of spending eternity with God in Heaven is faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone.  Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh unto the Father but by me.(John 14:6).

Because we cannot save ourselves by good works, good character, personal effort, or merit of any kind, God sent His Son to die as a substitute for sinners like you and me.  When the Lord Jesus died on the cross and rose again on the third day, He completed everything necessary for your salvation.  Now all God requires of you is to receive Christ as your Lord and Saviour:  "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved" (Acts 16:31).

So when you trust in Jesus you are saved and are destined to spend eternity in Heaven.  Jesus said, "He that heareth My word, and believeth on Him that sent Me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life" (John 5:24).

Will you accept God's way of salvation?  The choice is yours.  You may continue to trust in those things listed above.  If so, you will go to the grave without Christ and wake up facing God's eternal punishment.  Or you can believe in Jesus Christ and be saved.

Be Wise!  Choose Christ!  Pray to God in words like these:  Dear God, I know that I am a sinner and cannot go to Heaven based on my own efforts.  My only hope for Heaven is based completely upon the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross.  I know accept Him as my Lord and Saviour.

-- William MacDonald

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Do Good People Go to Heaven?

Yes, they certainly would go to Heaven . . . if there were any people good enough!  

People often say, "If I do the best I can and treat everyone fairly, I'll go to Heaven."  But have any of us done the best we can or treated everyone fairly?

A religious leader in the Bible once asked Jesus Christ: " Master, which is the great commandment in the law?"

Without hesitation Jesus answered, "Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.  This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thy self."

Has anyone fully kept this supreme law of God?  The Bible answers that no mortal can keep God's law, nor can one reach Heaven by trying:  "Therefore by the deeds of the law there shall no one be justified in His [God's] sight:  for by the law is the knowledge of sin."  When we compare our lives to God's holy standards, all our good works -- our morality, religion, charity, pleasing personality -- fall far short of His absolute righteousness.  The truth is:  "There is non righteous, no, not one . . . "  We stand condemned by a holy God who must judge our sin.  We are sinners in need of a Saviour.  

It is impossible then for anyone to be good enough for Heaven.  That is why the Son of God came to earth.  The Lord Jesus said, "I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

On the Cross of Calvary Jesus opened the way for sinners to stand before a righteous God.  There He suffered for our sins as the prophet Isaiah wrote:  "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all."

The Lord Jesus took the punishment for our sins so that we could be declared righteous before God.  He "who knew no sin" bore our sins on the cross being made "sin for us . . . that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him."  Do "good" people go to Heaven?  No!  But through the righteousness of Jesus Christ, sinners like you and me can be sure of Heaven as our final destination.

Come to Jesus Christ today.  Don't try to prepare yourself for Heaven.  Let Him prepare you and give you His gift of everlasting life.

If you believe that Jesus Christ died in your place and rose again from the dead, you can come to Him now by praying something like this:
Lord, thank you for taking the punishment for my sins.  I know that I could never be fit for Heaven without You.  So I invite You into my life to be my Lord and Saviour.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Heaven:- Who's Good Enough to Get In?

Have you ever heard people say, "I could never be good enough to get into heaven; I've messed up too many times"?

Well, they're exactly right!  On our own, we can do nothing to get into heaven.  Even if someone is "righteous" in many people's eyes, the Bible tells us that our righteous acts are like filthy rags (Isaiah 65:6).

So how can we get into heaven since we are sinful and God is sinless?  Sinful people aren't allowed into heaven are they?  No, but forgiven people are!  God, in the most sacrificial act in the history of the world, sent His sinless, perfect, only Son to die on our behalf -- even though we are sinners -- so we can spend eternity with Him.

Life in heaven is a free gift!

The Bible calls what God did an act of grace.  The word "grace" means gift.  Salvation from our sins is freely provided by a God who loves us despite our sinfulness.  "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23).

You cannot earn, learn, or deserve salvation.  It is not a goal to achieve, but a gift to receive.  Salvation is rooted in the mercy of God, not the merit of mankind.  "For by grace you have been saved through faith.  And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9).

But there is a problem . . . 

We are all sinners.

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23).  Every person has broken God's commandments.  Though you may be a "good" person in the eyes of others, you know in your heart there is something wrong.  We often fail to do the things we should, and we do the very things we shouldn't.  We "fall short" of God's high standard, which is perfection.  Jesus said, "You therefore must be perfect, as your Heavenly Father is perfect" (Matthew 5:48).

But no one is perfect!  We have all sinned and therefore cannot save ourselves by simply living a good life.  The very best we can do is not enough.

Because God is holy, He must punish sin.

God cares about you to the extent that He is expressing His love to you right now.  But He is holy, totally unique, and without sin.  It's our sin that separates us from God's love.  His righteousness demands that something be done about our sin problem, for God says that He "will by no means clear the guilty" (Exodus 34:7).

God cannot simply dismiss sin or admit sinners into heaven because that would violate His own holiness and break His own law.  So, God had a dilemma.  How could He love us and at the same time judge our sin?

The answer is the greatest news every shared.

God solved the dilemma in the person of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is God's unique Son who came from heaven to earth to reveal the love of God for you.  He is more than just a man, though He was fully human.  Jesus was not merely a man of God, but was the God-man -- 100% God and 100% man.

The Bible declares that "in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God . . . . And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:1, 14).

The ultimate demonstration of Jesus' deity is the cross and resurrection.  In that great act of love by dying on the cross, Jesus paid the price for our sins and purchased a place in heaven for us that He now offers as a free gift.  He took our place of judgment, and the wrath of God that burns against sin fell on Him:  "For our sake [God] made [Jesus] to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God" (II Corinthians 5:21),

What does all this mean?  

Man can receive God's forgiveness and the gift of eternal life.

The Bible boldly declares, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31).  Only by belief -- faith -- can we know God's love and forgiveness.

Saving faith involves a choice to turn from whatever you may have hoped would save you and instead place your complete dependence only upon Christ Jesus to save you from the consequences of your sin.  Faith means that you trust in Christ -- nothing more, nothing less, nothing else -- for your salvation.

If you've never considered yourself good enough for heaven, all you have to do is accept God's gift of grace that He gives though the sacrificial death of His Son.  Then let Jesus' righteousness pay for all your sins in full!  

Are you trusting in Christ alone for your salvation?  If you desire to have this certainty of salvation, you can receive Jesus Christ right now by expressing your faith through a prayer like this;  

Jesus, I am a sinner and I need to be saved by Your grace.  I turn from trusting in myself, and I look to You who alone can forgive and save me.  I know that You died on the cross for my sin, that You were buried, and that You rose again so I can have everlasting life.  Come into my life, Christ Jesus, and make me the person You want me to be.  Thank You for saving me.  Amen.

Did you really mean what you just said?  If so, let's see what Jesus says about what you have just done:  "Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has everlasting life" (John 6:47),

Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Promise of Heaven

What Will Heaven Be Like?

Heaven is a place more wonderful than we can ever begin to imagine.  It is a place of joy and beauty, of peace and happiness that will never end.  

Why?  Because heaven is also a place where there will be no sin or suffering, no sorrow or pain.  It's a place where there will be no quarrels or disagreements, no disappointments or weeping -- because there will be nothing there to make us sad.  And in heaven we will never do anything to displease God.

We will then know perfect joy.  Psalms 16:11 says, "In Thy presence is fullness of joy; in Thy right hand there are pleasures forever."  Everything that now makes us groan will finally be done away with, and we will find ourselves in the very presence of God, where the purest and truest kind of joy is possible.

In heaven we will also have perfect knowledge.  The Bible says "then shall I know even as also I am known" (1 Cor. 13:12).  We will have no more unanswered questions, no confusion, no ignorance, and no more need to walk by faith rather than by sight.

We will live in perfect comfort.  We will love God perfectly and will be loved perfectly by Him.  His love will engulf us forever.  

Stated simply, heaven is a place of perfect joy forever.

Think of it!  We will be perfectly free from evil forever.  We will be set free from captivity to sin, and finally able to do that which is absolutely righteous, holy, and perfect before God.  With sin and its effects erased forever, the promise of heaven is an everlasting life of unimaginable blessing!  

How Good Do I Have To Be To Go To Heaven?

Most people understand that doing evil can keep us out of heaven.  But few realize that the Bible also teaches that doing good cannot get us in.  

None of us could ever gain enough merit to deserve heaven.  We are sinful and God's standard is utter perfection.  Jesus said, "Unless your righteousness surpasses that of the scribes and Pharisees, you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven." (Matt.. 5:20).  He added, "You are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect" (v. 48).

Who Then Can Go to Heaven?  Who Can Be Saved?

Jesus' disciples asked Him this same question (Matthew 19:25).  His answer?  "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible" (v. 26).  In other words, being saved so that we can go to heaven is not something we can accomplish.  It is something God must do for us.  

What if I Stopped Sinning Now and Never Sinned Again?

No matter how hard we try, we could never stop sinning because we are hopelessly in bondage to sin.  The Bible tells us even our hearts are deceitful and desperately wicked ( Jeremiah 17:9).  In other words, we are sinful to the core. Furthermore, even a single sin would be enough to destroy us forever; "Whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles in one point, he has become guilty of all" (James 2:10).  But even if we never sinned from now on, we would still be guilty of our past sins.  And as the Bible says, "The wages of sin is death" (Romans 6:23).

But the good news is that God has provided a way to free us from the guilt of sin!

What Has God Done For Me To Take Away My Sin So I Can Go To Heaven?

When God forgives, He cannot merely overlook sin.  Full payment (atonement) must be made for our sin.  Christ's death made full atonement for those who trust Him.  If we believe in Him, His dying counts in our stead, paying for our sins in full.  The Bible says, "The blood of Jesus . . . cleanses us from all sin" (1 John 1:7).  It is only through the blood of Christ that we can ever be cleansed from the terrible guilt of sin.  

But that only erases the guilt of our sin; we still need perfect righteousness in order to enter the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:20).

Where Do We Get That Perfect Righteousness?

If you truly believe in Him, the full merit of Jesus' own righteousness is credited (imputed) to you -- to all those who trust Him alone for salvation.

The Bible teaches that God "justifies the ungodly" by reckoning (or crediting) Christ's righteousness to them (Romans 4:5).  Believers are clothed in His righteousness, and God accepts them solely and exclusively on that basis.  That's why the apostle Paul was willing to discard all his own efforts to earn God's favour, preferring to stand before God robed in a righteousness that was not his own (Philippians 3:8-9).

If you are not a Christian, you need to lay hold of this truth by faith:  The sin that will keep you out of heaven has no cure but the blood of Christ.  If you are weary of your sin and exhausted from the load of your guilt, He tenderly holds forth the offer of life and forgiveness and eternal rest to you: "Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest" (Matthew 11:28).  

How Can I Be Sure Christ Will Save Me?

The Bible promises that no one who believes in Christ will be turned away: "Him that cometh to Me I will in nowise cast out" (John 6:37).  In the closing words of the Bible, Christ invites all to come to Him and receive the promise of heaven: ". . . Let him that heareth . . . come.  And let him that is athirst come.  And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely" (Rev. 22:17b).

-- John F. MacArthur

If you would like to know Jesus Christ as your Saviour and have the promise of heaven, we would encourage you to receive Him right now wherever you are.  Simply pray:

Dear Jesus,   I know that I am a sinner, and I know that You died for me to pay for my sins.  Please forgive me and make me one of Your own, that I may live in heaven with You for all eternity.

Monday, January 1, 2018

The Fire of Hell

The term fire is often used in connection with the punishment of the lost.  In Revelation 20, the expression "lake of fire" occurs three times to denote the final destiny of God's enemies. 

Fire is also associated with hell because of the Greek word "gehenna," the term most often employed to denote the place where the lost will go after death and judgment.  It occurs 11 times in the Gospels and once in the rest of the New Testament (James 3:6).  The word itself referred to " the valley of Hinnom,"  just south of Jerusalem.  It was there that the Israelites under Ahaz and Manasseh (II Chr. 28:3, 33:6) placed children on a fiery altar dedicated to the god Molech.  The specific place where this was done was called Tophet (literally "fire place").  There is a strong tradition that the valley became a city dump where refuse and the bodies of criminals were burned.  The terrible reputation of this valley plus its association with fire and judgment made it an apt symbol for the place of final punishment for the wicked. 

The Bible presents a literal hell as the place of eternal punishment for all who die in unbelief and rebellion.  This truth can be used by God to strengthen Christians and to awaken sinners to their need of Christ.

We don't like the idea of eternal punishment.  We may even find ourselves repulsed by the concept.  But we need to be careful.  God sees and understands infinitely more than we do. 

He has proven His love in so many ways, especially providing salvation through Jesus Christ (Jn 3:16; Rom. 5:8).  He wants you to place your trust in His Son.  Listen to Him and accept His salvation.  Accept His warning to escape "the fire that shall never be quenched -- where 'their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched'" (Mark 9:44, 46, 48).