This is important! This book is designed to restore a loved one's ability to think without being unduly influenced by a particular group. For many, this book will break the psychological control exerted by an abusive discipling relationship or controlling church. That is why there is overlapping of information and repetition of ideas. The victim's strongly biased mind needs this repetition if family, friends, or therapists are to be successful in restoring objectivity.
You may be reading this now because someone close to you suspects you are being hurt, rather than helped, by your discipling relationship. It is normal to feel somewhat defensive or resentful when questioned about the possibility of abuse in our own churches or ministries. Remember, the Apostle Paul tells us, "examine everything carefully" (1 Thess. 5:21). I am not asking you to accept my opinion about your church or group. Instead, evaluate what is happening to you and around you. After reading this book, you should be able to decide for yourself if there is reason to be concerned.
Friends and family: If you have a loved one caught up in what you suspect is a controlling ministry, collect information about the group, then ask the victim to read this book from cover to cover, use the checklists at the end of each chapter as a starting point for conversation. Finally, discuss the information with him or her away from the group and with former members if possible.
Freedom exists through discipline and obedience -- obedience not to yourself or another human, but to God. Many disciples think they are being taught the right way of obedience; but they are deceived into giving up their desires, wishes, and goals for those of another mortal being -- their discipler.
From the Back Cover
You joined your church because of it's intensity for God. Like no other place, it's helped you discover the meaning of obedience, of teachableness, of death to self. If there is one problem, it's the confusion that sometimes comes from your own carnal thinking. But God has given you leaders who can lovingly correct a doubting independent spirit and help you choose God's best for your life.
How can you go wrong with a church like that? Easily. What you just read actually fits the profile of many abusive churches. Twisted Scriptures reveals in depth how the Bible can be distorted in ways that rob you of the liberty Jesus died to give you. You might be shocked at what you discover.
This book uncovers the subtle but powerful techniques by which, in the name of truth, controlling leaders manipulate and intimidate countless believers. It also supplies tools for overcoming persuasive, deceptive teachings and practices.
Thousands of Christians have already moved from struggle to true freedom and hope through Twisted Scriptures. If you truly want to grow in everything God made you to be, you owe it to yourself to read this book.
"I did not realize I was in an abusive ministry until I read Twisted Scriptures. I thought the author had followed me around for sixteen years when she wrote this book. It is so accurate." -- former "disciple," Dallas, Texas
"This is controversial...many sheep will be told not to read it. Anyone told this should read it immediately. This is an important book -- not only to help victims break out of bondage but every pastor should be required to read it." -- Edward J. Green, Ph.D., Guerry Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Tennessee
About the Author
Mary Alice Chrnalogar, a dedicated Christian, has spent more than nineteen years working to rescue victims who are extremely controlled by leaders or destructive groups. Miss Chrnalogar is a respected international consultant in the field of cult education and has assisted with family interventions throughout the United States as well as in Australia, Canada, France, Israel, and Spain.
Her extensive work with those injured by mind control gives her a valuable insight into the thinking of these misguided persons and knowledge of how they keep themselves from thinking critically and objectively. This book is the foundation of the unique program Miss Chrnalogar uses to break the excessive and improper influences of leaders and abusive discipleship.
Miss Chrnaloger states, "It is one of my greatest joys to receive phone calls weekly from individuals who are so grateful to me for writing this book because the information freed them from an unhealthy church. My favourite thank-you was a message sent to me by an ordained minister. He wrote, 'Chrnaloger's book was a god-send to me. I left an abusive system five years ago but her book has given my life new meaning. The Scriptures that used to haunt me no longer do because Miss Chrnaloger places them in the correct context.'"
The author comments, "My greatest happiness in life is knowing that many will be healed after they read this book that the Lord inspired in my heart."
Chapter Titles Include:
Ch. 1 - The Discipleship Game
Ch. 2 - The Discipleship Disaster
Ch. 3 - Authority Unlimited
Ch. 4 - Beyond Accountability
Ch. 5 - The Language of Enslavement
Ch. 6 - Whose Will Is It?
Ch. 7 - Control in Black and White
Ch. 8 - Vicious Information Control
Ch. 9 - Truth or Consequences
Ch. 10 - Confession Confusion
Ch. 11 - Walling Off the World
Ch. 12 - What God and the Discipler Have Joined Together
Ch. 13 - This Can't Be Mind Control, Can It?
Ch. 14 - Collision With Leadership
Ch. 15 - The New Inquisition
Ch. 16 - Boxes Within Boxes
Ch. 17 - The Way to Freedom
Epilogue - Leader of Heaven's Gate Undermined Free Will
Appendix II - Accountability Groups: A Brief History
Appendix III - A Summary of Abuses (114 Abuses Listed)
Where To Get This Book
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