Thursday, October 28, 2010

Tongues Have Ceased -- A Brief Summary (8 of 8)

The following is a summary of the various perspectives
of the cessation of tongues.

Many people who speak in tongues say that their experience confirms that it is the Holy Spirit guiding them.  A careful study of the following will show that the gift of tongues has actually ceased.  I would be happy to hear from anyone who can Biblically refute this argument thus showing that the gift of tongues has not ceased, as I have no desire to dishonour the Lord with false doctrine.

1 Cor 13:8 - 10 says that tongues will cease and that prophecy and knowledge will fade and disappear when 'that which is perfect' has come.  What is meant by 'that which is perfect' in 1 Cor 13:10 (KJV)?

  1. 1 Cor 13:8 says that tongues, prophecy and knowledge will cease.  When will they cease?
  2. 1 Cor 13:9-10 says that prophecy and knowledge will cease when "that which is perfect is come."
  3. In Greek, the words "that which" and "perfect" are in the neuter form.  So, "that which is perfect" cannot be referring to Jesus as the words are not masculine. 
  4. When 1 Cor was written, the Bible was was 'in part',  and that is why prophecy and knowledge in 1 Cor 13:9, were said to be 'in part.'  When the Bible was completed, this special, revelatory prophecy and knowledge ceased because all the future prophecy and special knowledge which God wanted us to have was now contained in the Bible.  The word 'perfect' can be translated 'complete' or 'finished' and these words describe our 'that which is perfect' Bible.
The inspired writers of the Bible were given futuristic prophecy and special knowledge.  Futuristic prophecy such as Revelation was given to these men to foretell the things which God wanted to reveal to man.  Supernatural knowledge was needed to explain things like redemption, Christian living, church guidelines, etc.  After these things were recorded in Scripture, this type of prophecy and knowledge ceased so Scripture cannot be added to today.  Normal knowledge will never cease but will continue forever and increase greatly after Jesus' return.  Today, we are encouraged to grow in biblical knowledge and to prophecy in the form of biblical preaching, as in 1 Cor 14:24-25, which saves and edifies souls.

What was the purpose of tongues?
  1. 1 Cor 14:22 says, "Tongues then...are a sign for unbelievers."  The word "then" ("Wherefore" in the KGB) means that this verse is referring back to the previous verse (s.)
  2. 1 Cor 14:21 says that God will speak to "this people".  The New Testament term "this people"  always refers to Jews and the unbelievers being referred to in 1 Cor 14:22 (from Isa 28) were Jews.
  3. In Acts, whenever tongues was used Jews were present.
  4. So, the purpose of tongues was to be a sign to unbelieving Jews.  One sign was to show that salvation was for the Gentiles also (hence the foreign languages).  Clearly, the sign is no longer needed.
  5. Tongues was also a sign of judgment against the Jews.  The quote in 1 Cor 14:21-22 comes from Isaiah 28:11-13 where judgment is pronounced against Israel.  Their Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D.
Tongues is nowhere said to be a sign of a Christian being saved through receiving the Holy Spirit, nor is it said to be either a Prayer Language, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, or Tongues of Angels.  These things can only be read into the text.  The Bible only says that tongues was a sign to unbelieving Jews, nothing more.  The first church in Jerusalem was entirely Jewish and they badly needed convincing that Gentiles were part of God's salvation plan as they were fiercely, often violently, opposed to it.  One example in Acts 11 shows this opposition and how tongues was used as a sign to verify that the Gentiles were in God's plan.  Today, we have the Bible to explain the mystery of  the church (Eph 3:1-6).  Tongues, prophecy and knowledge are grouped because they had a limited purpose and when that purpose was served they were removed.

Is 'that which is perfect' Jesus' Second Coming or a believer's eventual state of perfection?

Sometimes "that which is perfect" is interpreted to be the Second Coming or the 'state of perfection' which believers attain when transformed into the likeness of Jesus.  This has serious short-comings such as:
  1. If the three items of 1 Cor 13:8 were not going to cease before we see Jesus, then why does the Bible mention ceasing?  If they were meant to be around to the end, like healing, etc., why would God even bring the matter of ceasing up?
  2. In vs. 9-10, only prophecy and knowledge are spoken of in reference to perfection.  Why?  Simply because they are the very two gifts used since Genesis for the inspired writing of Scripture.  With the completed Bible these 'in part' gifts were withdrawn so today no-one can add to the perfect Word.
  3. There are six items mentioned in the passage 1 Cor 13:8-13.  Of these six, three are said to remain and three are said to cease.  Clearly, if words mean anything, three cease at some point in time while the other three remain beyond that point, until we see Jesus...when faith and hope will also cease.  (see 'Remaining' and 'Ceasing' below).
  4. 1 Cor 13:11 speaks of maturing in the here and now not when Jesus returns.  V. 12 mentions a mirror -- mirrors are for see ourselves.  Jam. 1:23-25 connects the perfect Word of God with a mirror and it is through the Bible that we mature and come 'face to face' with our sinful self as it "judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." (Heb. 4:12).  Also, just as God knows us fully, through the Bible we can fully know His plans and purposes from Genesis to Revelation.
Remaining and Ceasing

1 Cor 13:1-3 uses exaggerated language (hyperbole) to emphasise that love is more important than any gift.  Paul says that even if  he could speak in an angelic tongue, fathom all mysteries, had all knowledge or faith to move mountains but didn't have love then he had nothing.  He didn't say that he could do these things (in v.9 he said that knowledge and prophecy were in part) but that if  he could yet didn't have love then he had nothing.  Vs. 4-8 tells us what love is.

Paul goes on in v.8 to say that tongues, prophecy and knowledge will cease.  Then vs. 9-10 tell us when and vs.11-12 give us the result of having the full revelation of God.  Verse 13, which starts with "and now" (the Amplified Bible says "and so"), is a summation of vs. 1-12.  It sums it all up by saying, "And so [although some gifts will eventually pass away] the greater gifts of faith, hope and love will remain."  The word 'remain' implies that something has been removed and v.8 tells us that tongues, prophecy and knowledge are the things to be removed.  V.13 says that faith, hope and love will remain after this happens.  So clearly there is a time when three gifts disappear and after that time faith, hope and love continue on.

2 Cor 5:7 says, "We live by faith, not by sight."  Heb 11:1 says, "faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see" and "hope that is seen is no hope at all" (Rom 8:24).  So when we see Jesus, and are made perfect our faith and hope will be fulfilled and then only love will remain. (Eph 4:5-6 say there is only one hope and one faith -- the gift of 1 Cor 12:9 -- and like all gifts it will not continue into eternity.)  From this it can be seen that the timing for the cessation of tongues, prophecy and knowledge is separate from, and before, the time of Jesus' return.  Tongues, prophecy and knowledge were singled out to disappear while faith and hope remain but only until Jesus returns (Note 1 Pet 1:9 and Tit. 2:13).  It is not possible for the three gifts of v. 8 to remain along with our faith and hope.  Why?  Because that would be saying that the things to cease will remain until the things that remain cease. (All other gifts must still be with us as there is no mention of them ceasing.)

There are only two things that are perfect -- Jesus and the Bible.  Because Jesus is ruled out, then only the Bible is left.  However, if there is a third thing which is perfect then it has to:
  1. Be genderless
  2. Be relevant to prophecy and knowledge
  3. Do away with prophecy and knowledge
  4. Be likened to a mirror
  5. Be something through which a believer can mature
  6. Bring us face to face with something
  7. Come before Jesus' return.
I don't think that any stretch of the imagination could come up with a perfect thing, other than the Bible, which meets these criteria.

In Mark 16:15-18, Jesus said that tongues would be one of the signs to follow evangelists as they preached the gospel.  This did occur as Acts shows.  However, about 20 years after Jesus said this, 1 Corinthians was written stating that tongues would cease and this occurred many years later, when the Bible was completed.  The rules of 1 Cor 14 were given because of the abuse of the gift and didn't alter the fact that tongues, being just a sign, was to cease later on.  An unemotional study of the Bible will reveal that tongues has ceased and should be renounced and cut off in the Lord's Name.

This blog and the previous seven blogs beginning with the title "Today's Tongues" have been authored by Bryce Hartin.  His impeccable credentials are as follows:

Bryce Hartin is an ordained Minister of the Gospel, accredited with the Baptist Union of Queensland.

He has undertaken studies at the Sydney Bible Training Institute, Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, U.S.A. and Central Baptist Seminary in Toronto, Canada.

He has travelled extensively, conducting crusades and speaking at conventions throughout Canada, U.S.A., India, South-East Asia and the Middle East, and has ministered in some of the largest churches in these countries.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Regular Fellowship With Demons (7 of 8)


The more spiritually discerning readers should be able to see that in order to gain acceptance with the masses, the World Church must of necessity have a supernatural element.  Since the God of Heaven would never give His blessing to such a "witch-doctor's brew" as this, then the supernatural element will have to be supplied by Satan -- and it has been.

The supernatural element in this poisonous mixture is Spiritism.  Yes!  The once despised but now respectable cult of Spiritism will, I believe, be the deadliest element in Satan's brew of abominations to seduce Evangelical Christians.

Those of us who have been counselling in the area of the Occult have observed that evil spirits have been progressively extending their influence in the sphere of professing Christianity.  The extension of influence on the part of evil spirits is in exact proportion to the diminishing emphasis on the absolute Authority of the Bible.


Most tongues speaking people will of course readily agree that the Bible is the authoritative Word of God, yet many claim to have new and more timely revelations direct from the Spirit of God.  But I would like to point out here, that it has been our experience that any revelations apart from the written Word can very easily be given by evil spirits, and herein lies the snare, because once we depart from the written Word, we are immediately launched on to the sea of uncertainty and are open to the influence of "deceiving spirits."


Now all thoughtful readers are going to realize that the material that has been set forth here has extremely serious ramifications.  Because of this and knowing what I have observed through counselling tongues-speaking people, I urge all people now in churches where "speaking in tongues" is practiced, to GET OUT, because you are in DANGER!  Find another fellowship somewhere that is free of spiritualistic phenomena.  Even if you have to travel a long distance to attend, it will be well worth both the effort and expense.

To those NOT in tongues-speaking churches, I issue this word of warning.  Because of the rapid spread of this phenomenon, there will eventually come a time when you will be confronted with this matter. [see previous blog comments.]  You will be urged to seek this supposed "gift of tongues."  Well-meaning but deceived people will pressure you to "let your mind go blank" so the Holy Spirit can speak through you.  If you yield to this impulse and relinquish control of your mind, you will eventually discover as thousands are now finding, that it will not be the Holy Spirit that you come in contact with, but an evil spirit, impersonating Him and the end results can be devastating.  It is my prayer that the Lord will give you much wisdom and enable you to avoid the deception that I have outlined here.


After many years of counselling people who have been "slain in the spirit" or "spoken in tongues" or who have been "prayed over in tongues" or "laid hands upon," we have been forced to the conclusion that almost all have problems.  These problems vary greatly.  They include emotional, physical, mental, psychological, moral, social and of course spiritual problems.  These problems have been directly caused by the people concerned coming into contact with demons.  In a large proportion of cases, they have actually come under demonic control.  What begins as a casual contact with demons through speaking in tongues, often progresses to "regular fellowship with demons."

The end result is, as could be expected, most of these people are, in the long term, devastated.  They are lured into a supernatural bondage that can only be broken by supernatural means.  A very high percentage want nothing more to do with Christianity or the Bible.  The human wreckage resulting from this diabolical deception can now be found scattered all across the gray landscape of our society.  Some, after having been hurt so badly, try to pick up the pieces and immerse themselves in worldly pleasure.  Others crack under the pressure and are institutionalized.  Many who come to us seeking help are so tormented by demons that they openly declare that if release cannot be found, then suicide is the only course of action left to them.

My prayer is that godly Pastors and Bible Teachers everywhere will not only "feed the flock of God" but faithfully warn the sheep not to go seeking ecstatic experiences outside what is clearly taught in Scripture.

If we wander from the path of clearly revealed truth, God will not save us from delusion.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

New Inroads of Demonism (6 of 8)

In hypnotism, the subject's personality is set aside and replaced by the personality of another human being.  But in the modern-day tongues movement, the personality of the subject is set aside and replaced with that of an evil spirit.  Both are clearly cases of substituted or displaced personality.  In both cases, the person is constrained by the will of another being to think, say and do things he would not otherwise think, say or do.  Many should be able to see from this what terrible danger Christians put themselves in when they let their minds "go blank" in an effort to get the Holy Spirit to speak through them in tongues.  We have learned in deliverance ministry that evil spirits have no scruples whatever in speaking of sacred things.  In fact, they will go to almost any length to gain the coveted "control" over an individual. 

Some Christians have described various tongues-speaking meetings as "just like being in a seance" as people "fell under the power" or were "slain in the spirit."  The present-day results of these new inroads of demonism are nowhere near as bad as they will be in the future.  The events we now see are simply paving the way for even greater forms of demonic activity.  Satan is now getting people accustomed to spiritistic manifestations as a means of establishing his credentials.  Having done this, I believe we can expect a last great general assault on the human race accompanied by "great signs and wonders." 

Now, as we have already mentioned the spirit speaking through people in today's speaking in tongues is definitely not the Holy Spirit of God, because He simply does not operate in this manner.  The spirit speaking through them is one of the "deceiving spirits" referred to earlier.

The unsuspecting recipient of this supposed "gift of tongues" sincerely believes he has been singled out by a loving God and given a special gift.  The truth is, he is having "fellowship with demons," something strictly forbidden in 1 Cor 10:20. 

Many who give careful attention to what I am saying here will, I am sure, immediately see why I have chosen the subtitle "Spiritism Made Respectable?"  because that is exactly what it is.  The modern-day form of tongues that is spreading so rapidly within the Christian Church seems pure, unadulterated Spiritism!  The spirit uttering this unintelligible gabble is an evil spirit and the person through whom the utterance is made in allowing his body and tongue to be used by this spirit, has, in actual fact, become a "spirit medium."

When given serious thought the conclusions are obvious.

If the spirit speaking in tongues through a person is not the Holy Spirit, then obviously it must be an evil spirit.  If it is an evil spirit then the person concerned is engaged in Spiritism and as I have just stated has himself become a "medium."  It can be readily seen from this, what gigantic deception tongues-speaking people are under.  They have embraced what in reality is an alliance between Christianity and Spiritism.

It would be impossible to exaggerate just how serious a threat this is to the whole body of Christ.  The machinery is now in full operation for the greatest deception of all time, and as this form of deception continues to spread, multiplied millions of people are going to be spiritually and emotionally devastated.


If I am correct in my conclusions, we have here the components that will make up the religion of the coming World Church.  These components are Religious Humanism, Spiritism, and Apostate Christianity.  These, I believe, will form the building blocks of which the "coming world church" will be built.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Spiritism Made Respectable (5 of 8)

Now to return to the merger of Spiritism and Christianity.

Until recent times, Spiritism was generally discredited.  Its alleged phenomena were ridiculed and its mediums denounced as impostors.  All this has now changed.  The practice of Spiritism in some form or other has now become acceptable in society, but even more, its emergence in the tongues speaking section of the Church has actually made it respectable.  The way is thus being prepared for new ever-widening spheres of demonic activity and for the supply of new and more efficient human channels through whom these deceiving spirits may operate.  Someone has well said that the partition between the natural and the supernatural is wearing thin in places.  Such is indeed the case.  With the emergence this century of the tongues movement with its powerful emotional hype and its psychic healings, Satan has now created for himself a new source of authority and these teachings, having now gained respectability, open the door very wide for other "doctrines of demons." 

I feel it is highly important that readers should fully understand the strange alliance that has been formed between Christianity and Spiritism.  Any offspring resulting from this union will of course be a hybrid and a demonic one at that, and as I mentioned earlier, Satan would have to be the mastermind behind such massive deception as this.


Another point that I find of interest in this:  after some years of counselling in this field, I have observed that for some mysterious reason, women are more susceptible than men to spiritistic influences.  In view of this fact, I would warn all Christian women to be exceedingly careful and to regard with suspicion every religious movement that is accompanied by an overpowering emotional hype.  Some people, no doubt, will be offended because I have labelled present-day speaking in tongues as Spiritism.  I owe it to such people to give such reasons for doing so.  People who have this supposed "gift of tongues" claim that this is the Holy Spirit speaking through them.  After counselling large numbers of tongues speaking people, I have observed that in about 95% of cases, it is a spirit speaking through them, but it is definitely NOT the Holy Spirit.  The other 5% have proven to be psychosomatic.  Both Scripture and research show that the Holy Spirit does not work in the manner claimed by Charismatics.  Because this is the crucial point on which everything stands or falls, I will endeavour to state it in terms which I hope will be understood by all.

In the spirit realm, there are TWO LAWS, by which spirits operate and when working through human channels: 
  1. The Holy Spirit always requires the active cooperation of the mind.
  2. Evil spirits require passive submission of the mind.  To put this in another way, evil spirits encourage the person to temporarily relinquish control of their mind in order that they can take it over!
It should be pointed out here that we are specifically commanded in Scripture to "gird up the loins of your mind" (1 Pet. 1:13) never to 'let them go blank' or leave them unguarded, as is encouraged by those who promote speaking in tongues.

Many of us when testing tongues have heard blasphemy and filth.  This is to be expected because the spirit speaking through people in today's so-called 'tongues' is a blasphemous spirit.  Evil spirits are of course very careful to conceal their true identity from Charismatic people.  If uncovered, their whole diabolical plan would be doomed to failure.

I am aware that some people are going to think "surely this cannot be so, because many tongues-speaking people are most sincere and they seem so loving and caring" - "surely they couldn't be demon controlled!"  It should be pointed out that demon possession is vastly different in Australia from what it is in, say India or Africa.  In those countries, it is more obvious, but in countries like Australia it is far more sophisticated.  Unless a counsellor is highly experienced, he will not detect it.

It should be borne in mind that demons do not necessarily reside in a person all the time.  After having gained access to a person, they can then come and go if they so desire.  This is clearly shown in Matt. 12:43-45.  We see in this passage that the demon was resident in the man, then left of its own accord, but later returned and brought seven others back with him.  This is precisely what happens with tongues-speaking people.  In their case, relinquishing control of the mind is the door that gives the demons entrance.  However, after having entered, they are then free to come and go as they please.  They are, of course, resident when the person is engaged in tongue speaking but they may then flit off to another deluded soul and utter their filth and blasphemies through him.  Counsellors call these 'shared' demons because they are shared between a number of persons. In a biker gang, the demons are more likely to be resident all the time.


The Lord has also graciously shown us in our research that in many cases of supposed Schizophrenia, it is not a case of split personality but dual personality.  In other words, there are two personalities in the one body, that of the person and also that of one or more resident demons.

There are times when the person is in control and exercises his will but at other times, he is overpowered by a demon who then takes control and exercises his will. 

Non-Christian psychologists who do not believe in the existence of demons and therefore do not understand their workings often mistakenly conclude that the problem is all in the personality of the person.  They sum up most cases of this nature as schizophrenia or split personality, but the correct diagnosis in a very high percentage of cases would be dual personality or demon possession.  It naturally follows from this that there are many people in our mental institutions who should not be there.  Their problem has not been correctly diagnosed and, because of this fact, they are administered mind-bending drugs which only create more misery for the person.


Philip Mauro in his book "The Number of Man" (Morgan & Scott Limited, 1910) when speaking of Spiritism describes it as substituted personality.  In the case of tongues-speaking people, we would I think, understand the problem better if I used this term.  What is meant by this is that the true personality of the person is temporarily set aside and replaced by that of a spirit.  Displaced or substituted personality is the essential characteristic of Spiritism.  Now this is exactly what is happening in the tongues movement.  The personality of the man or woman who is the subject of this tongues-speaking experience is temporarily set aside and is replaced by an evil spirit or invisible intelligence which can then exercise varying degrees of control over the mind and the body of the person concerned.

Monday, October 11, 2010

An Analysis of Today's Tongues (4 of 8)

Some of my readers will know that for many years now I have been examining the present day tongues movement and some of the strange phenomenon that accompany it.  This chapter is an attempt to set forth my main findings and to bring them to the attention of Evangelical Christians.  I have felt that an inquiry of this nature was essential because the shock waves from the tongues movement are now affecting the Church worldwide. 

The thing that has given me most cause for concern is the fact that whole sections of the Church have taken on some very disturbing characteristics and are now heading off in a different direction.  If I am correct in the conclusions I have drawn, the Church is heading for a crisis of great magnitude.  People with more thoughtful minds will want to know the nature of this crisis and what they and their families are likely to face in the future.

In examining this subject, we should as far as possible, shut out our own preconceptions, and attempt to analyze the phenomena appearing on the religious scene today.


When I embarked on this present inquiry, there was just no way that I would have suspected any connection between Evangelical Christianity and Spiritism.  On the contrary, there appeared to be irreconcilable antagonism between the two.  You can imagine my surprise when I discovered that Satan was embarking on an extremely clever take-over bid.  He is super-imposing Spiritism over Evangelical Christianity, or, to put it another way, he is bringing about a merger between the two.

This will no doubt come as a surprise to many readers because Evangelical Christianity and Spiritism seem so diverse in appearance.  However, if my readers cast their eyes about them, they must surely observe the fact that mysterious forces have arisen and have made inroads into all denominations even the most conservative.

Large numbers of people seem to be shaking off their spiritual lethargy, getting into gear and heading off in some direction but the all important question is what direction?? 

It is now my personal conviction that what we are now witnessing on both the religious and political scenes is what can be expected to characterise this period of time.  A great period of apostasy has been clearly foreshadowed in Scripture (2 Thess. 2:3) and all with a high degree of spiritual discernment will not only see that this is well underway, but rapidly gaining momentum.  I state these things not just to stimulate the interest of readers but to underline the magnitude of what I am saying.

I will endeavour not to press my own conclusions, but rather leave the readers to draw their own conclusions after giving due consideration to the facts I lay before them.

I strongly urge all readers to earnestly seek the Lord in prayer, that He will enable us to understand the significance of the strange phenomena we are now witnessing.  To my mind, it is wholly unprecedented in the history of the church and is leading us all towards a great climax and the Second Coming of the Lord.


When analysing the present-day tongues movement it is very enlightening to listen carefully to what many of its heralds are prescribing.  Among other things there are material prosperity, exhilarating experiences, total exemption of from all illness and hyper-faith.  It is now my considered opinion that all of these doctrines have not only been taken out of their Biblical context, but have been subjected to an extremely subtle twist in the process.  This I believe is part of a NEW and very sloppy system of interpretation that is in vogue in these last days and will most certainly lead astray all who do not take the time to examine what the Bible really teaches on these important matters.


I feel that it is incumbent upon me to at all times be charitable and to give credit where it is due and I therefore concede that many of the high-profile men in the tongues movement do set forth such doctrines as:  immediate forgiveness for sin, personal salvation, and incorruptible inheritance, assurance of membership in the Body of Christ, and a prepared place in the Father's house.  These doctrines are set before the unsuspecting adherents like a delectable fruit salad but sadly Satan has successfully added a sprinkling of arsenic.  The arsenic is not only in the form of the things previously mentioned such as the prosperity gospel, scintillating experiences and unrestricted healings but in the more frightening form of religious Spiritism.  By religious Spiritism I mean today's gibberish known as 'speaking in tongues.'

All who are capable of making a penetrating analysis of this phenomenon will see that it is one of the most gigantic deceptions ever foisted upon the Church.  In fact it such a stupendous fraud that nothing short of supernatural power could give it acceptance among men.  I often wonder just how great is the power of deception exercised by "that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world."  Not only has he foisted this deception onto the Church, but has caused it to become immensely popular.


The subject of Spiritism is of course too large for anything like a thorough consideration here.

Our present object is to point out how Satan has successfully merged it with Evangelical Christianity through the tongues movement and is now using it to shape the thinking of Evangelicals.

At first glance, there would appear to be no relation whatever between Spiritism and Evangelical Christianity.  Because Spiritism actually discredits all the major doctrines of the Christian faith.  However, let it be remember that both Spiritism and Christianity have supernatural elements.

It is when these supernatural elements become merged into one that the deception takes on such gigantic proportions.  It seems that when the masses witness some of these supernatural elements in Christianity, they conclude that it is all of God.  If they do draw this conclusion, it is certain they will come under the influence of ever-increasing degrees of Spiritism from that point in time. 

Now the most striking present day development on the religious scene, is the fact that some church leaders including some men of high profile are not only giving their assent to the tongues movement, but are vouching for the genuineness of all its phenomena.

The average man, of course, does by nature firmly believe in supernatural things.  So Satan has been very carefully to include some of the supernatural elements in the tongues movement, in order to "get in" Mr. and Mrs. Average.  These elements though, when carefully analysed, will be find to be cleverly disguised Spiritism.  We must never lose sight of the fact that Satan is himself a spirit. (Eph. 2:2, 1 Cor. 2:12 and 1 John 4:6).  His various religions will therefore all have a supernatural element.


We should also bear in mind the fact that end-time prophesies place great stress upon the supernatural demonstrations which are to accompany the establishment of the last great religio-commercial system.  We read in 1 Tim. 4:1 "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times, some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils."  Scripture would seem to indicate that not only will supernatural demonstrations take place, but false doctrines will be supernaturally taught.  In other words, these doctrines will be taught by men who are themselves under the influence of deceiving spirits.  These same men will also have the ability to prophesy, cast out demons and perform wonderful works "in thy name" (Matt. 7:22-23).  I would urge readers to have a good long look at these verses and ask the Lord to give them light on their meaning.

Paul pinpoints the time when that prophesy will be fulfilled.  This will be in the "latter times."  The departure from the faith, about which he gives warning, seems to be well underway.  This end-time apostasy is, I believe, being brought about by deceiving spirits who are putting forth "doctrines of demons" or doctrines originated by demons.  In prophesies such as this, we have unveiled for us the fact that powerful teaching spirits are setting forth doctrines that are specifically designed to cause a departure from the faith and, let it be stressed again, that this will be done supernaturally and therefore will be undetected by the average Christian. 

The Christian Church at this point in time has 3 major problems with which to contend:
  1. The one we have just mentioned, namely, false doctrine, being taught supernaturally.
  2. Witches infiltrating the churches and parachurch organizations.  These also will go undetected until enormous damage has been done.
  3. The unprecedented spread of occult practices among Christians.
Is it any wonder that many thoughtful observers can foresee the total eclipse of Evangelical Christianity?  What we are now witnessing is the disintegration of the Church as an effective organization.  If my understanding of the prophesies in the Book of Revelation is correct, this disintegration must of necessity take place to pave the way for the coming World Church.


To put this another way:  Satan has launched a powerful take-over bid aimed at bringing the Church under his control.  Now in order to keep the whole picture in perspective, we must bear in mind the fact that our Lord said "I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it."  I take this statement to mean that the church is the Lord's Building, being built by the Lord Himself.  He is the chief Corner-stone and each believer is put in place by the Lord.  Each believer becomes a "living stone" and part of "a holy temple."  So Satan cannot destroy the church as such!  It is a supernatural structure being built by the Lord Himself and is eternal but these facts do not negate Satan's power to destroy the church  as an effective organization and that is where the emphasis needs to be placed.  Satan cannot destroy the Church, but he has the power to render it virtually ineffective and this is exactly what he is in the process of doing right at this point in time.


Monday, October 4, 2010

The Temporary Gifts -- Prophesy, Knowledge, Tongues (3 of 8)

The temporary gifts referred to are listed together in 1 Cor. 13:8 -- Prophesy, Tongues, and Knowledge.  We shall take them one at a time, define them, show their function and finally give the reason why they were then withdrawn.

1) Prophesy

Prophesy may have more than one meaning, but what we are concerned with here is its meaning in the context of 1 Cor. 13:8.  First let me say that it is NOT "telling forth the truth of the written Word" because very little of the New Testament was available in written form at this stage.  In other words, there was no New Testament as such.  Prophesy in this verse (1 Cor. 13:8) means the God-given ability to interpret God's plan after they have been supernaturally revealed by the Holy Spirit AND TO EFFECTIVELY COMMUNICATE THOSE PLANS TO THE PEOPLE.

It was essential for the Lord's people to have in their possession, knowledge of God's plans for the Church Age and beyond, but how were they to acquire that knowledge when it was unavailable in written form?  In the light of this fact, it can readily be seen why it was essential for at least some of the leaders in the Early Church to possess this supernatural gift.

It can be easily understood that after the New Testament was completed in written form, this special gift would no longer be necessary because all they needed to know was then available to them in written form.

This is why Paul lists prophecy among the temporary gifts in 1 Cor. 13:8 and says "where there are prophesies, they shall fail" which then paraphrased would read "the supernatural gift of being able to prophesy will pass away."  As to WHEN this gift was withdrawn, this would have coincided with the completion of the Canon of Scripture because when the Body of Truth was complete and available to the Church in written form, this God-given but temporary gift, would obviously not be needed any longer.  By then, it had served the purpose for which it had been given.

Biblical Warnings

To add further weight to the evidence already given, I would remind readers of the clear warnings given in Scripture to people who claim to have this gift today.  For instance, in Rev. 22:18-19 we are told that God communicated with man for the last time.  He has said all He intends to say.  These verses contain very solemn warnings to anyone who would add anything (by way of further prophesy) or take anything away.  A similar warning is given in Matt. 7:22-23 and is couched in the strongest possible terms.

2) Knowledge

The word  'knowledge' in this instance is not to be understood in the general usage of the term.  It was not acquired knowledge.  It was supernatural knowledge imparted directly and on the spot by the Holy Spirit in exactly the same way as the writers of the New Testament received it -- direct revelation by the Holy Spirit of the living God.

It was essential for believers in this transitional period to have in their possession knowledge of such things as the plan of redemption, their position in Christ and their eternal destiny but where were they to acquire such knowledge when it was absent in written form?  The answer is, it was given to their leaders supernaturally and directly by the Holy Spirit.  Now of course, when the New Testament was completed in written form, it contained a perfect system of truth.  God did not forget anything that should have been included!  He never has had to add anything.  Everything of a spiritual nature that man needs to know is there but when the Canon of Scripture was completed in written form, knowledge supernaturally given, like prophesy, was no longer needed and was therefore withdrawn.

3) Tongues

Biblical tongues was the God-given ability to speak another language that the speaker had not learnt.  It was not an acquired language but a language supernaturally given by the Holy Spirit.

The reason why this God-given ability was bestowed upon some of the early Christians is clearly stated in 1 Cor. 14:22 "Where tongues are for a sign not to them that believe, but to them that believe not."

The Purpose of Tongues

Paul could not have made plainer the purpose of tongues.  A careful study of the passages in Acts Chs. 2, 10 and 19 clearly shows that the gift of tongues was an actual language and was used to bridge a barrier and thus speed up the spread of the Gospel, but the main purpose of tongues was to be a "sign."  It was not a sign to other Christians that the speaker was "filled with the Holy Spirit" as is taught in charismatic circles today.  Nor was it used as a supposed "prayer language."  We are distinctly told that it was a sign (1 Cor. 14:22).  Then for whom was this sign meant?  This is also clearly stated.  "Not to them that believe" but "to those who do not believe."  This clear definitive statement is a fatal blow to the credibility of today's tongues movement.

"Tongues" in apostolic times was a sign to Israel as a nation.  It was a sign of impending judgement (Isa. 28:11) if they did not accept Christ as their Messiah.  God had faithfully taught them throughout history that their Messiah would come, and even gave them a supernatural sign to confirm to them that Christ was the Messiah.

Some Recognized the Sign

A small percentage of Jews did recognize the sign and turned to the Lord, but the nation as a whole did not recognize the sign

So to recap what I have said here:

Biblical tongues was not an unintelligible gabble [gibberish] such as is being spread throughout the church today.  It was a supernatural gift given by God to speak in another language.

This God-given ability was given as a special sign to Israel as a nation.  Having achieved the purpose for which it was given, it too was then withdrawn.

An Important Question

When was this gift withdrawn?  The answer is "When that which is perfect is come" (1 Cor. 13:10).

I find many sincere Christians are deceived concerning the correct interpretation of this statement.  They have been taught to equate "that which is perfect" with the coming of the Lord, but I would like to point out that the Greek New Testament completely quashes this interpretation.

If Paul had been referring to the Lord when he said "when that which is perfect," he would have said "when HE who is perfect" or even more plainly "when the Lord comes."  He would also have used the masculine gender to make clear his meaning but he did not do this.  He distinctly said "when that which is perfect" and, in the Greek, the neuter gender is used to show clearly that he was referring to some thing and not to some person.  The nouns Lord, Christ and Jesus are all masculine nouns both in English and in the Greek.  "That which is perfect" is neuter.  So if we abide by the simple rules of grammar "that which is perfect" cannot refer to our Lord, but refers to some thing which is neutral and non-personal.

Furthermore, the word  'perfect' can be translated as 'complete.'

A Paraphrase

If taken from the Greek and paraphrased vv 9-10 could read, "For the Knowledge that we now possess is fragmentary (meaning incomplete and imperfect) and our Prophesy (teaching) is also fragmentary (incomplete and imperfect) but when the complete and perfect Word of God is come, these temporary gifts which are in part will then disappear because they will have been superseded."

Readers should also take careful note of the comparison between "that which is perfect" and "that which is in part."  In both instances, the translation is "that which."  So in both cases, reference is being made to something that is both neutral and non-personal.

What Paul is saying here is simply this: During this period of transition, when we do not as yet have the complete body of truth in written form, we use the supernatural but temporary, gifts of prophesy, tongues and knowledge, but when the total body of truth is completed and comes in written form, then the fragmentary knowledge and prophesy which we now possess will no longer be needed and will then pass away.

So these three temporary gifts, prophesy, knowledge and tongues ceased or passed off the scene when the  Canon of Scripture was finally completed.

This does not mean to say that if the Lord wanted to enable one of His servants to converse fluently with someone in another language which they had not learnt, he couldn't freely do so.  We must always bear in mind the fact that our Lord is Sovereign and He can do anything that He sees to be right and proper.  But one point I would like to make here is this:  I and others have been testing tongues in Australia for some years.  In fact, there are men personally known to me who have been testing them for over 20 years and none of us has ever yet found a genuine gift of Biblical Tongues.  When the Spirit using the tongue is commanded to identify itself, in 95% of cases, a demon answers.

However, even if on some rare occasion the Lord did give someone this supernatural ability, it still would not negate the fact that in Apostolic times, tongues were a sign to them which believed not (Israel as a nation) nor would it negate the fact that Biblical tongues ceased, exactly as Paul said they would, as soon as they had served their purpose.

Further Proof

If additional proof is needed to verify that what I have said is correct it should be noted that after Paul's first letter to the Corinthian Church, tongues are never mentioned again!

  1. This gift is not listed among the spiritual gifts given in Rom. 12 or Eph. 4.
  2. It is never mentioned at all in any of the other Epistles written later by Paul, Peter, John and James.
  3. Romans, which is regarded as the great doctrinal Epistle of the New Testament covers the whole gamut of Truth for this Church Age, but tongues is NEVER mentioned, NOT EVEN ONCE!  Why?
Because they had served the purpose for which they had been given and either had already ceased or would soon do so.  So there was no need for any further mention of them.  

Now What?

Now if Biblical tongues ceased back in the Apostolic age, what explanation is there for the tongues phenomenon that is spreading like a grass fire through almost all denominations today?  Are they supernatural?  Are they of God, or are they satanic?  These are vital questions and we will examine them Scripturally in upcoming blogs.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Have Biblical Tongues Ceased? (2 of 8)

Large numbers of believers around the world have been observing with interest some of the significant movements in contemporary church life.

It is now apparent that many Christians have been led into a deeper spiritual experience.  Large numbers worldwide have been engaging in evangelism with varying degrees of success and missionary work has been given a much-needed boost.  All of this is commendable, but if we study the great spiritual movements in past centuries, we will discover that with few exceptions, Satan has succeeded in introducing some element that was foreign to the true workings of the Holy Spirit.  The work then either grinds to a halt, or else becomes contaminated and its effectiveness declines.  Many commendable things can be said about contemporary evangelism and missionary endeavour.  However, one highly dangerous element has been introduced that warrants closer examination.  I refer to what is known as "speaking in tongues."

In his Epistles, Paul lists the spiritual gifts on three occasions:
  • Romans 12:3-8
  • First Corinthians 12:8-10, 28-30
  • Ephesians 4:11
All such gifts were distributed by the Holy Spirit for the glory of our risen Lord Jesus Christ and the propagation of the Gospel.  However, Paul indicated that while some of these gifts were to remain throughout the entire Church Age, others were only temporary gifts and would be withdrawn as soon as they had fulfilled their purpose.

It is not my intention here to define all the gifts, or to explain their function.  I simply propose to draw attention to the fact that Paul is very careful to list separately those gifts which were of a temporary nature.  They were in use during the transition period that began with Pentecost and ended with the completion of the Canon of Scripture.  These gifts, after having served the purpose for which they were given, were then withdrawn by the Holy Spirit who had given them.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Today's Tongues (1 of 8)

In recent years, I have spent a great deal of time researching the disturbing phenomena now being observed everywhere in the modern day tongues movement.  The subject itself is of course of great interest to every thoughtful Christian, whatever his or her convictions may be.

The main purpose of my inquiry has been to understand the true character of the movement and to identify the supernatural forces that are at work within it.  What I have discovered in my search for truth has given me cause for great concern, and it is this:  ever-increasing numbers of the Lord's people are being emotionally and spiritually devastated.

Among the great delusions that are spreading today, there is none more subtle or more dangerous than modern-day tongues.  It has been my experience over many years to observe that out of the masses of people coming under the influence of the tongues phenomena, very few escape without serious emotional and spiritual damage to themselves and their families.

The reason for this is, that in reality, they are imperceptibly led into a state of supernatural bondage and their release cannot be effected by anything less than supernatural power.  If the supernatural power of our risen Lord were not freely available today, there would be no point in providing this information.  However, after having on numerous occasions witnessed the Lord of Hosts rising up and scattering His enemies and also observing His mercy in setting the captives free, we have every reason to believe that He will continue His gracious ministry until He returns for His saints.

In providing this information, I have endeavoured to avoid a contentious spirit which attacks individuals, but the movement under consideration now poses such a serious threat to the whole Body of Christ, I have found it necessary to be direct in what I have to say.

What I have found from my research is sent forth with a two-fold aim:

  1. That it will be used by our Lord to bring deliverance to many who have fallen into bondage.
  2. That it will provide Biblical instruction which will help others from becoming similarly ensnared.
It is my prayer that all who read it will not only profit themselves, but they will then be better equipped to help others.