Saturday, October 2, 2010

Today's Tongues (1 of 8)

In recent years, I have spent a great deal of time researching the disturbing phenomena now being observed everywhere in the modern day tongues movement.  The subject itself is of course of great interest to every thoughtful Christian, whatever his or her convictions may be.

The main purpose of my inquiry has been to understand the true character of the movement and to identify the supernatural forces that are at work within it.  What I have discovered in my search for truth has given me cause for great concern, and it is this:  ever-increasing numbers of the Lord's people are being emotionally and spiritually devastated.

Among the great delusions that are spreading today, there is none more subtle or more dangerous than modern-day tongues.  It has been my experience over many years to observe that out of the masses of people coming under the influence of the tongues phenomena, very few escape without serious emotional and spiritual damage to themselves and their families.

The reason for this is, that in reality, they are imperceptibly led into a state of supernatural bondage and their release cannot be effected by anything less than supernatural power.  If the supernatural power of our risen Lord were not freely available today, there would be no point in providing this information.  However, after having on numerous occasions witnessed the Lord of Hosts rising up and scattering His enemies and also observing His mercy in setting the captives free, we have every reason to believe that He will continue His gracious ministry until He returns for His saints.

In providing this information, I have endeavoured to avoid a contentious spirit which attacks individuals, but the movement under consideration now poses such a serious threat to the whole Body of Christ, I have found it necessary to be direct in what I have to say.

What I have found from my research is sent forth with a two-fold aim:

  1. That it will be used by our Lord to bring deliverance to many who have fallen into bondage.
  2. That it will provide Biblical instruction which will help others from becoming similarly ensnared.
It is my prayer that all who read it will not only profit themselves, but they will then be better equipped to help others.

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