It is now apparent that many Christians have been led into a deeper spiritual experience. Large numbers worldwide have been engaging in evangelism with varying degrees of success and missionary work has been given a much-needed boost. All of this is commendable, but if we study the great spiritual movements in past centuries, we will discover that with few exceptions, Satan has succeeded in introducing some element that was foreign to the true workings of the Holy Spirit. The work then either grinds to a halt, or else becomes contaminated and its effectiveness declines. Many commendable things can be said about contemporary evangelism and missionary endeavour. However, one highly dangerous element has been introduced that warrants closer examination. I refer to what is known as "speaking in tongues."
In his Epistles, Paul lists the spiritual gifts on three occasions:
- Romans 12:3-8
- First Corinthians 12:8-10, 28-30
- Ephesians 4:11
All such gifts were distributed by the Holy Spirit for the glory of our risen Lord Jesus Christ and the propagation of the Gospel. However, Paul indicated that while some of these gifts were to remain throughout the entire Church Age, others were only temporary gifts and would be withdrawn as soon as they had fulfilled their purpose.
It is not my intention here to define all the gifts, or to explain their function. I simply propose to draw attention to the fact that Paul is very careful to list separately those gifts which were of a temporary nature. They were in use during the transition period that began with Pentecost and ended with the completion of the Canon of Scripture. These gifts, after having served the purpose for which they were given, were then withdrawn by the Holy Spirit who had given them.
Speaking in tongues is a wonderful gift that is REQUIRED for entry into God's Holy Heaven. You will be damned for putting out this false information.
It's about time that someone speaks out about this abomination of Christianity. Tongues is the way that Satan enters our churches and perverts our beliefs and by the time it is realized, it is too late. We lost both of our children to this "revelation" and they are now dead.
You are an inspiration to have done all of this research on this relevant topic affecting our churches today. It is an eye-opener and for those who are blinded by the misrepresentation of the Gospels, we can only pray that their hearts will be touched.
Bah... what stupid person gave you this crackpot information. You are so wrong about so many of God's gifts. You really should find something else to occupy your time.
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