Friday, February 7, 2014

Has Satan Blinded Your Eyes at BVC?

  1. Numerous false teachings mixed with "just enough" truth.
  2. Slavery to "Covenant Giving" leading to bankruptcy.
  3. Brainwashing -- loss of common sense -- terrorist mentality. 
  4. The pastor owns the church.  His net worth is growing while your net worth is decreasing.
  5. Pyramid scheme --several churches in Ontario send money.
  6. Verbal and emotional abuse - positive confession.
  7. Wrong Jesus.  Counterfeit Jesus can't save you!
  8. False hope of  the "health and wealth" gospel.
  9. Blessing and favour are the buzz words for this false teaching.
  10. Loss of control of your finances.  Your family will suffer.
  11. Extreme amounts of time and money required for acceptance.
  12. Lavish lifestyle lived by the leaders is unmerited.
  13. Leaders are unaccountable.  Disagree and you will be asked to leave.
  14. Lack of proper biblical education of the leaders -- blind leading the blind.
  15. What did you buy with your hundredfold return? 
  16. The church of the "itching ear."  Pastor sounds demon-possessed. 
  17. Pastor thinks he's a modern-day prophet -- they don't exist!
  18. Miracles on demand from the Sovereign of the universe - really?
  19. Extra-biblical revelation - from the pastor's own mind - mark of a cult.
  20. "Little gods" falsehood.  Faith Movement nonsense.
  21. The next dimension - pentecostal gobbledygook.
  22. It's all about me and my personal blessing, instead of Jesus.
  23. Phony gibberish tongues.  "Heavenly language" not in the Bible.
  24. Trance state of mind in services.  Endless repetition of mindless choruses.
  25. When you get mature, you can be led -- down the garden path to Hell.
  26. Twisted or misinterpreted scriptures.  Where is your discernment?
  27. Mandatory 100% attendance because your tithe is paramount.
  28. Constant calls for more money from guest speakers.
  29. Your priorities are all screwed up.  Church before family.
  30. No time for family when you are always at the church.
  31. People say it's a cult.  It has many of the marks!
  32. Speaking out in the service - Satan is the author of confusion.
  33. No eternal security -- no peace of mind!
  34. Unusual, unnatural dating practices.  No hand holding, kissing, hugging etc.
  35. Marrying couples who haven't even bonded with each other.
  36. Pastor is worshipped, not God.  You are serving the pastor, not God.
  37. God is doing a "new thing" --  there is nothing new in Christianity.
  38. Giving to get, e.g. the $1,000 seed faith fraud.
  39. Wrong emphasis on tongues, healing and miracles.
  40. All activities geared towards bringing in more money.
  41. People who are now your friends will become your enemies if you leave.
  42. If you stay, you risk losing everything.
  43. Exposing your children to false teaching leads to confusion and disillusionment.
  44. The self-esteem gospel - no mention of sin, sinners or repentance.
  45. Saved and born again are foreign language.
  46. Overuse of the words "power, "break through" and "encounter."
  47. Overly long, boring talks - emotionally draining - complete waste of time.
  48. Pastor likes the sound of his own voice.
  49. Repetition of the words "I will not quit" - mind control
  50. If you start saying "no" to appeals for money - will you still be welcome?
  51. Meeting "needs" to keep you beholding to the group.  Being controlled.
  52. The pastor must have the biggest and the best house, car, etc.
  53. Supporting the school / college proliferates falsehoods.
  54. Mortgage hidden in covenant documents.
  55. Do's and Don'ts list -- under the law not under grace.
  56. Satan is at work, blinding your eyes to the truth.
  57. The road to "Hell" is through the front doors of BVC.

Who do you say Jesus is?

Let’s just suppose for a minute that all of the items on the list are not true -- except one.  That one is No. 7 – “wrong jesus.”  Who you say Jesus is, matters!  He is our Saviour who died for our sins.  When you say that He also died to make us healthy, wealthy and happy, you have created a ”new jesus” who is not the Jesus of the Bible.  If you have the “wrong jesus,” all the other items on the list do not matter because if you have the “wrong jesus,” you have nothing!  If you accepted the “wrong jesus,”  you are not a Christian.  Victory Churches and the Faith Movement can’t decide after 2000 years that Jesus needs to be redefined, reworked or made new.  His character is the same yesterday, today and forever.

On this one item alone, you need to leave BVC immediately.  There is no doubt that this heretical group has modified, remade, and therefore created a “new jesus.”  This “new jesus” is not in the Bible, cannot save you and will not be able to get you to heaven because he does not exist.  Victory churches and the Faith Movement are responsible for this horrendous deceit.  The leaders of these groups will be condemned to Hell for eternity for spreading this falsehood to millions of people around the world.  So if you need a number of reasons to leave BVC read the list top to bottom, but the primary reason is No. 7.   Who you say Jesus is, matters!

To all you Baptists at BVC

You know the truth because you were raised in a Baptist church.  The Baptist church did not include any lies or misinterpreted Scripture in its teachings.  You were saved by the Holy Spirit when you became a Christian.  Part of what the Holy Spirit gives you at salvation is discernment regarding false teaching.   How is it that you are unable to discern that BVC is a cult?  How is it that you are unable to discern that many things are very wrong at BVC?  There is a feeling of darkness or evil when you walk into the place. I felt it the one time that I was there.

You need to ask yourself why you are still there?  Why are you willing to be part of this grand deceit?  If you have young children, why are you OK with exposing them to false teaching and having them accept the “wrong jesus?”   When your children figure this out, what will they do?  Just think about who they are going to blame for the deceit.  I’ll bet it will be their parents who chose to get involved with a false religion and didn’t have enough discernment to realize that they needed to get out!  Do you want your children to miss Heaven because of something that you did or would you rather be the ones that saved them from this travesty?

Your decision to reject the Jesus of the Bible, and embrace the “new jesus” at BVC has consequences.  The “new jesus” cannot forgive your sins or get you to Heaven.  You will instead be going to Hell for eternity.  God will not let you into Heaven when you have placed your trust in a “counterfeit jesus.”  You have been deceived big time.  Being made a fool is no fun but this is what has happened to you, whether you like it or not.

You have been deceived by the smoke and mirrors of tongues, blessings, healing, miracles, breakthroughs, and power encounters.  If you can’t discern that BVC is a cult, this means that you cannot be a Christian.  You were born again in a Baptist church but you have rejected that to follow the “wrong jesus,” and focus on favour, fake tongues, phony healings and personal blessings – instead of the real Jesus who you learned about in your Baptist days.  Just think about it, Satan has been the victor in this situation.  He has been successful in drawing you away from the truth into a false religion.  In Satan’s world, this is a huge victory.

You need to repent for placing your trust in a “counterfeit jesus” and come back to the real Jesus, the one in the Bible who can forgive your sins and get you into Heaven.  Tongues, blessings, healing, miracles, breakthroughs and power encounters will keep you out of Heaven if you continue to make them the central focus of your religious experience instead of the real Jesus.  These “riff-raff” experiences provided by BVC are meaningless in light of the fact that they are promoting a “new jesus.”  This means that BVC has nothing to offer you of any importance or relevance to your life and future in eternity.  It’s all worthless and useless without the real Jesus of the Bible.  Remember, “There is nothing new in Christianity.”  

Everybody say, "I'm outta here!"

For more insight into the "goings-on" at BVC, read the comments on the previous post and refer to the "False Teachings of Barrie Victory Centre."

For more information on Victory Churches and the Faith Movement, go to the Reference Library.  Click on any book title to get a brief overview of the book.  All books on the list are available through 


B. Hoskins said...

Where did you find all this out about BVC? We have been trying to get a comprehensive list of what is wrong with this place for a few months. We found your post about the False Teachings when we looked up BVC and that sent us to other posts about this cult. Our parents will not listen to us about what is wrong with their attendance here. They spend every waking moment talking about BVC and how wonderful it makes them feel every time they go there which is Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays. They no longer have time for their grandchildren or children and don't think anything is wrong with that. We are going to give them your information and maybe it will give them some food for thought!

Anonymous said...

Boy, do you ever have BVC pegged! Everything you say is true and there is stuff that you are missing! That "Pastor" Paul is a brain-washing genius. Everyone who goes there is just enthralled with him and he is worshipped just as if he was a god. He can't do anything wrong in the eyes of his followers. If he told them to go out and jump off a bridge, I am sure that most of them would do it. What's worse is that he has all of the young children thinking that he is better than their own grandparents. It is so disheartening for us to have restricted access to our grandchildren because "Pastor" and his needs and wants come first.

G. Browne said...

You have hit the nail on the head with your points about BVC. Everything you say is absolutely true. I only wish that our kids would see what is really going on in that church. My wife and I have talked to them every chance that we get but nothing is getting through to them. We believe that the leadership team has some sort of demonic hold over the members of that so-called church. After reading your blog, we realize that we are not the only ones with these concerns.

Anonymous said...

I am amazed that nobody from BVC hasn't take a potshot at you. Do they know where you live? Our house was literally attacked when we tried to get our kids out of that cult. We had to get a restraining order against a couple who used to be our friends. Watch your back!

I. Matchette said...

We are astounded at all the information that we have been able to learn about cults. We don't have any experience with BVC but we sure have experience with Paul McCullough and his wife. We should have been given a quick kick in the behind for getting involved with these cultic churches. We really wish that we had found your information earlier but I guess that you didn't get involved until your family got taken in by these charlatans. We will be praying for you.

K. Paquette said...

We have been attending BVC for sometime and last week, we were asked to read "the drivel" that you are posting on-line and prepare a talk for our group. Our pastor is very concerned that some people are reading it. Well, after taking the week to read everything on this blog, (my husband is very detailed oriented so he wanted to make sure that he could say only truthful things), we have realized that there is something wrong at BVC. We cannot truthfully refute some of the things that you are saying because we cannot back them up with fact. We don't know what will happen for sure when we cannot comply with the requests. Our eyes have been opened.

Anonymous said...

I knew Ms. Paquette and also was involved on the worship team with her husband. I myself was very involved with the church as well as having close relations with Pastor Paul and Dthate. Even though I was active within the church there was always some things that I questioned in regards to the way the leadership lived their lives which also included Pastrs Lois and Duane. I too was caught up in the hype with everything that was happening at BVC. I questioned much about what was being taught, the way scriptures were being Misinterpreted, changed for their own benefit and not living the life that was being preached

This is something I should have spoken up about it long time ago but felt so ashamed that I was a part of this church leading people away from God Rather the leading someone to God.

As I do not want to give my name, I would humbly ask for your forgiveness for doing what I felt in my heart was wrong and continuing to do it anyways. At that time I thought it was doubt however I do know Now that it was God speaking to me telling me what I was doing was wrong. I'm so very sorry for my involvement in this.