Treasure House in Barrie will order this book, "Christianity in Crisis, 21st Century," for you. It can also be ordered from Chapters or through www.amazon.com.
If you are currently involved in a church that has had its beginning in recent years, you urgently need to read this book. It is authored by a well-known and respected Bible scholar. Hank Hannegraaff has a daily call-in radio show, "The Bible Answer Man." You can listen on-line to any of these shows if you wish. He answers questions about the Bible and alerts people to the many false teachings out there today which are being espoused as Christianity.
If you attend Barrie Victory Centre, DO NOT READ THIS BOOK! There is something in it that your "pastor" does not want you to know. Do not read it or you may find yourself not wanting to attend his "church" anymore. Be careful! We wouldn't want any of you thinking for yourselves. Don't forget, pastor says, "You must not read this book!" I wonder why? What is he so afraid of?
Glad to see you're back. Waiting for some new and interesting blogs.
Yes it is in crisis. When are you coming back to writing?
I have just finished reading the book. I am giving copies of this to my girls for Christmas. I had no idea that they were being drawn in under Joel Oesteen's milarky.
Thank you for this blog. We have read all of the articles and will be purchasing a copy of the book. We found your blog when searching for information on the "health and wealth" gospel as our adult children and their families have been taken in by the Copelands. Please pray for our children as we go through this. We also have not seen our grandchildren for some years and it is most difficult. Our prayers are with you and please keep us in yours. Thank you.
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