What should we be striving for as Christians? It seems to me that our primary concern should be "absolute truth" and where it is being taught. Surely somebody is teaching absolute truth in our world today or at least someone is teaching what would be considered the closest to absolute truth that can possibly be achieved. With this purpose in mind, highly respected Bible scholars become a very important resource when it comes to Bible interpretation (hermeneutics). The Faith Movement/Word of Faith and Victory Churches International do not have even one widely respected Bible scholar in their ranks, including all the television ministries. That's why they all tell you to read your own Bible and interpret it for yourself.
We should not be willing to accept any teachings we believe to be false by continuing to sit in the pew and participating in any way in the ministry. No matter how you look at it, churches teaching falsehoods are like a rotten apple in the barrel of Christianity. If we are fully aware that our leaders are engaging in false teachings we need to exit these churches immediately. Staying in these churches and supporting them with our time and money makes us accessories to the falsehoods. We will have to answer for that someday!
Now that you have more than enough information available to you to keep you out of a cult, this blog will be focusing in future on specific false teachings which are currently misrepresenting True Christianity to the unbelieving world. As the upcoming blogs proceed, you will become aware fairly quickly that the primary source of false teachings today is found deeply embedded in the Pentecostal Church. I believe that the Pentecostal Church is one of the main enemies of truth in our world today. Almost every major false teaching currently out there can be traced back to the confused and misguided Pentecostal Church. Truth mixed with falsehood qualifies the Pentecostal Church as a cult.
Pentecostal, you will find, is a huge umbrella which includes the modern day Faith Movement, Word of Faith and Victory Churches International. Canada Christian College is to blame for teaching an extremely aberrant form of Christianity and giving out doctorate degrees to people who are not qualified in any way. Canada Christian College should be put out of business to eliminate the blight they have put on True Christianity. If you are interested in teaching truth to anyone, do not attend Canada Christian College or allow your children to go there. What they are teaching is not True Christianity and should not be supported in any way. All of the above mentioned organizations are deeply rooted in the Pentecostal Church and its ongoing gross misunderstanding of "The Truth" contained in Scripture.
If you are searching for Truth, make no mistake about it, the so-called truth that the Pentecostals are espousing is based in falsehood and is leading millions of people worldwide astray. Why would you settle for anything less than the unadulterated truth? The "Pentecostal Dictionary" shows very definitively that these people and this movement do not know what they believe, why they believe it and they know even less about absolute truth. They have totally distorted what Christianity is all about. Proof will emerge in upcoming blogs. The Pentecostal Church has been one of Satan's greatest tools which he has used extensively to throw Christians off the "tracks of truth" and into the "ditch of falsehood."
You will also learn in future blogs how you can know if you are actually in a Pentecostal Church because most of them are no longer using the word "Pentecostal" in their name. Community Church, Life Centre, and Victory Centre are a few that have become much more common now. So, beware!
We say we want God's best for our lives. What could be better than finding out what is "actually" truth and then "sticking with it"? Do not listen to anyone who has something to gain from what they are telling you! This scenario is quite common in today's churches. Scripture admonishes us not to add anything or take anything away from the "Gospel that was delivered to the Saints". Looking forward to sharing with you in the days ahead.