Saturday, December 25, 2010

1. Why Would God Allow Dedicated Christians To . . .

. . . Experience the Sign and Revelatory Gifts if they are not from Him?

Some evangelical churches have lapsed into cold, lifeless formalism.  They may be doctrinally right, but they may have lost their fervent love and zeal for God.  If a Pentecostal/Charismatic church has a high regard for the Bible, prayer, soul-winning zeal and a willingness to attempt great things for God, then this fills a void left by less-emotional churches.  Among these good things there resides a deceiving cancer that undermines the good that is being done.  This cancer is the matter of new revelations from God, of tongues, prophecy, words of knowledge, visions or dreams.

Neil Babcox, a former charismatic pastor left the charismatic church because of this issue.  He says, "When a prophet said "Thus said the Lord"", he meant that the very Word of God was being proclaimed, with infallibility, purity and divine authority.  The prophecies that I had spoken and heard others speak paled and diminished to the point of nothingness compared with the Bible".

Ezekiel protested "Thus saith the Lord God, Woe unto the foolish prophets that follow their own spirit and have seen nothing!"  Ezekiel 13:3.

Isn't that what we were -- "prophets who had seen nothing?"

When the genuine prophets of God spoke, they spoke with certainty regarding every word.  This finds no parallel today.  The Bible's prophets knew with 100% certainty that they were speaking the very words of God.

"The spirit entered into me when he spake unto me, and set me upon my feet, that I heard him that spake unto me." Ezekiel 2:2.

Many who prophesy and claim to speak new revelations from God today know in their own hearts that they don't have the certainty of the Bible prophets, yet they continue to speak "new" revelations.

"Then the Lord said unto me, the prophets prophesy lies in my name:  I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them:  they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart".  Jeremiah 14:14.

It is no small thing to claim to speak new revelation from God, given the deception of Mormon prophecy.

This emphasis on new revelation undermines the authority of Scripture.  Dave Hunt rebukes the positive and possibility thinking of Paul Yonggi Cho and Robert Schuller with their occultish visualisation techniques, temptation to power and deification of man which is invading the church.

Charismatics teach that a proper understanding of Scripture does not come through correct interpretation, but through revelation (only to certain leaders), and that these new revelations supplement the Bible, and that these must be accepted as a "great move of God". 
  •  Charismatics often say:  "...we have revelation knowledge as God continues to speak to His people".  This sounds really spiritual, but it is in fact adding to Scripture.
Because the Scriptures are perfect, we cannot add to them.
  • John Wimber states:  "rational control (of the mind) must be forfeited for tongues speaking to occur, for ecstatic worship, for messages from God to be received directly into the mind, and for miraculous healings to happen".
  • Charismatics Kenneth Copeland and Kenneth Hagin's heresies were exposed in "The Agony of Deceit". (available at
Kenneth Copeland claimed that Jesus spoke new revelation to him, saying:  "Jesus did not come to earth as God, but only as a man;  Jesus never claimed to be God during His earthly ministry".
  • John White, a famous author, claims that Jesus Christ personally appeared to him on three occasions to give new revelation that would become part of Scripture.
[This is an excellent tool which true Christians can use to quickly identify those who are charlatans claiming to be Christians.  Any one who claims to receive special revelation knowledge, therefore adding to Scripture, or uses the phrase "God told me" can immediately be dismissed as a charlatan and a liar.  The Copelands and the Wimbers of this world need to feel the full wrath of every true Christian today.  They need to be called out publicaly on this issue.]


Pierre & Mairie Tremblay said...

We as Christians are given "free-will" and it is unfortunate that Satan can use this "free-will" to blind us and lead us down the garden path into these non-Scriptural churches. We were fortunate to have had some discernment when this phenomena started coming into our youth group. Our Board took action and disciplined the Youth Pastor who promptly quit and disappeared only to resurface in a very charismatic church in another town. We are in communication with them about the phenomenon and are waiting to see their next steps.

Norman Whitehead said...

You certainly find interesting people to quote in your blog. The fact that you are taking so much time to research is really quite amazing and the teachings are invaluable for us. We are now fully aware that our church is one of these non-biblical teaching ones and we will be moving out of their influence in the New Year.

Gloria Blume said...

This is something that we all should be aware of and on guard against. Thank you for posting.

Frank Davis said...

We should be running from these churches as fast as we can. It is easy to be taken in by the emotional high every week until it is not enough. By the time you realize that you are involved it is too late.