Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Darkness of Gibberish Churches

Gibberish churches are very "dark" places.  I've been there when they start doing the gibberish and an evil darkness comes over the place when this happens.  You can sense the presence of Satan in the room.  It overwhelms you and if you are not participating in the gibberish, you have a strong desire that you need to get out of there because it is not safe.  Others that I was with felt the same way and were relieved when we got outside the church door.

The darkness of gibberish churches is intoxicating like a drug.  It becomes something that you cannot get through the week without.  It is addictive behaviour which you must keep coming back to for survival.  It has nothing to do with Christianity because real languages were the tongues that were spoken in the Bible.  Gibberish is dangerous because it affects your mind to the point where you cannot control yourself; you cannot make rational decisions; and you are unable to sense the danger that you are in by participating in this evil activity.  You become incapable of rational thought and unable to decide anything for yourself.  This would explain why offerings are taken at the end of very long services.  The participant's resistance to giving is totally worn down and hence some people nearly bankrupt themselves because they don't actually know what they are doing in these meetings.  Their minds are out-to-lunch.  Why else would someone give 50% of their income to one of these churches putting their family and their futures in serious jeopardy and at terrible risk.  Freedom of religion has now become freedom to commit financial suicide. There is only one reason, they don't know what they are doing when they are participating in the gibberish.

Gibberish is not an indication of closeness to God.  You are really keeping company with demons.  Demons are capable of making you think that you are close to God when you are really not.  You just think you are close to God but that's the illusion that a gibberish church wants to create for you.  You are under the illusion that you are closer to God than other churches are but you really have been duped.  You are worshipping Satan.  He loves it when you are totally not focussed on God.  Your church is inhabited by "principalities and powers" - the forces of evil and darkness.  Your pastor is a master illusionist who brings Satan into your midst in every meeting.  The eleventh commandment should be "Thou shalt not speak gibberish and call it tongues."

Gibberish churches are led by "Christian" terrorists and they are in the process of turning all their adherents into the same.  If you doubt this statement, try confronting a gibberish-speaker and tell him that you think his gibberish is hogwash.  Watch to see his reaction!  He will get his face up in your face, inches from your nose, and scream and yell at the top of his lungs that you are an idiot and that you don't know what you are talking about!  I have experienced this first hand and know what I am talking about.  This is not how true Christians behave.  Gibberish-speakers think that if it's loud and they're yelling it, that makes it right.  They believe that if you speak with emotion, that makes it true.  Hogwash!  Gibberish is the tool that allows these Christian terrorists to control their followers and make them unable to challenge them in any way.  Gibberish-speakers are worshipping their pastor -- not God.

Not terrorists you say? Tongues are possessed by Satan.  Christians don't behave this way and if they do, they are aware that something is wrong.  Something is out of whack.  This is called discernment which true Christians are supposed to have.

Not terrorists you say?  Try leaving one of these gibberish churches and see what happens to you.  You can expect harassment, all your so-called friends will turn against you, and vandalism to personal property has become quite common in these circles, especially if you disagree or voice your opposition to gibberish.  Rejection in a gibberish church is not handled very well by its adherents.  Scratches on vehicles and damage to houses have been reported.

Could someone please tell me, what is the good of gibberish?  What does it accomplish for the participant except to make him look and sound like a fool?  Is he a better Christian or does he just become more and more angry at those who oppose and believe that Satan is the source of the gibberish?  If you have any doubt about doing the gibberish, why would you continue doing the gibberish?  Is it a requirement of being part of or a member of this particular group?  Non-gibberish speakers are not welcome when gibberish is being spoken.

Next time you feel the darkness descending on your "church service" if it can be called that, ask yourself, am I supposed to be doing this?  The Bible says tongues will cease. (That was centuries ago!)  When you are asked to give an account by the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, what will you say?

The Shame of Being Pentecostal

Pentecostal churches are now becoming ashamed to be called "pentecostal".  They have become community churches, life centres, tabernacles, faith assemblies, etc.  It seems that the word "pentecostal" has come into disrepute.  These churches don't want you to know before you walk in the door that gibberish and Satan will be waiting for you.  Anything but the word "pentecostal" is being used on the name of many of these churches today.  This is deceitful and a direct result of the fact that Pentecostals basically misunderstand and misinterpret Scripture as evidenced by their use of gibberish to replace tongues, which no longer exist.  The gift of interpretation of tongues also no longer exists according to Scripture.

Christ threw the money-changers out of the temple.  Nowadays, the money-changers own the church and run it as a business.  How wrong is this?  If you own the church, it's clear that you can't be thrown out and furthermore, you are now in a position to teach anything that you wish to those who come to visit your establishment.  The Bible teaches that Christ is the head of the church, not the pastor.  He is only a servant of God.  Where do these people get off thinking that it is OK to turn the church into a business and run it for profit?  Believe you me, that's what it's all about!  These charlatans are smiling all the way to the bank and their followers are willing participants.  How do you think that happens?  Gibberish is the key.

How can you make your business more profitable if you own a church?  One way is to zero in on those in the group who are not receiving the gifts (tongues, slain in the spirit).  These individuals really pay off for the pastor.  In his position of power over them, he can tell them to give more money, and promise them that God will give the gifts to them.  What do you think the person having difficulty getting the gifts will do?  They will figure out a way to somehow give more money to the money-sucking pastor so they can receive the gifts and be accepted by the peer group.  This is how many people are ending up in financial ruin.

If you are involved in a gibberish church, the message should be very clear.  You need to exit this church immediately.  Never return and if you run into the gibberish in another church, leave that one too.  Stop serving Satan and start serving God.  

In your search for truth, you need to look for a church that is receiving no negative publicity of any kind.  Gibberish churches do not fall into this category.  Where is truth, you say?  Truth is where pastors are properly trained in the knowledge of Scripture and the pastor does not have complete autonomy.  Truth is found where lies, falsehoods and misinterpreted Scripture can be exposed.  This does not happen in gibberish churches.  Look for a church with a learned, educated pastor who was trained at a reputable institution.    Gibberish churches cannot make this claim.  Sermons are not prepared.  The pastor flies by the seat of his pants and makes it up as he goes.  There is no meat for the listeners to think about to improve their Christian walk.  They live in the moment.  At the gibberish church, the gibberish-speaker is there to show the pastor and all those in attendance, that he is SO spiritual.  How does he do this?  He speaks gibberish.  This allows the gibberish-speaker to say to himself  "I am so spiritual that it's unbelievable.  I am so proud of myself."  GOD IS NOT PROUD OF YOU.  You should be ashamed of yourself.  Shun gibberish churches like the plague.  Leave now!  No regrets!


Thomas Boen said...

Boy, it sure sounds like you have had some experience with this. We also have had similar feelings when attending our children's church. The heaviness of the place nearly drives my wife crazy and now we know why. I am sending the link to this to our kids and hopefully, they can see for themselves what is going on in their "happy church." Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Kristie Krystallan said...

I hope that you really can reach some of the people who are involved in these organizations. Having personal experiences that you can share make it much more real. I truly know that I dodged a bomb when I left my church a year ago just as the new pastor started with the gutteral verbage that means nothing. I knew that it was time to go the first Sunday service that had this as the main lesson. Blessings and prayers as you continue the fight against this phenomenon.

Hortense J. Whyte said...

How is it that you always seem to hit the nail right on the head when it comes to these garbage churches. Gibberish is the only word for the nonsense. How so many can be taken in by this stuff absolutely amazes me. In the last days, the Bible says that many will be led astray by false teachers. I am sure that we are close to that time if not already in it. I can only hope that your blog is used to help people see what is really going on.

W. Cranston said...

Money-sucking pastors! You have that right! We nearly lost our entire retirement savings plus our home because we were duped into believing that the pastor and his family DESERVED to live better than anyone else in the church. He wanted our home because it was larger and nicer than the one that his family was living in. We were almost talked into trading until our bank manager brought us to our senses. Boy, were we fortunate to have a sensible friend and business associate. We, to this day, do not know how it nearly happened to us. We are educated people with good sense but what we learned is that given the right amount of chanting, anyone can be talked into anything. We were lucky; others in our former church were not.

Jenny Abrams said...

Really right on! More people who attend these churches need to read your blog. The heavy feeling when attending one of these churches was my first clue that there was something wrong. When the tongues started and different people started interpreting (all differently, I might add), then I knew that it was just drivel. I walked away from a pentecostal church years ago and have never looked back. Too bad so many others get drawn in and cannot extricate themselves without a proper intervention.

Liz Calderwood said...

How awful it must have been to been sitting in a place that affected you in such a profound way. I hope that someday, these churches can be stopped in their tracks so that no other people get destroyed like I did. I won't go into the details but it has taken me over ten years to recover physically, financially and spiritually after having attended one of their colleges, spend several years on the mission field, and came back to be thrown on the dung heap because I had nothing left to give. Fortunately, I did not turn my back on God and He has been very faithful even when I was at my lowest. I truly hope that others who read your blog can see what is really going on in their churches.

Anna Dyson said...

Holy cow! Great blog! Having been involved in one of these churches a few years ago, it's really refreshing to see that someone has the "balls" to stand up to these money-sucking pastors (and the rest of the management team in these churches). People really need to read your entire blog and take note of all of the good research that you have done on this subject.

Ron & Arlene Franklins said...

Did you ever get this right! We have been where you are with having family involved in one of these victory churches. Both of our children lost everything to the how appropriately called "money-sucking" pastor and didn't even see it coming. Unfortunately, we didn't either and I don't think that if we had, they would have listened to us anyway. We have both sets of our children, wives and kids living at home now with us and we are supporting them until they can get on their feet. But we put it right to them -- another step into their former church and OUT THEY GO! So far, so good and we keep praying that they can continue to stay out in spite of the constant harrassment from their former friends. We have had to change our phone number several times and hopefully, by now they have gotten the hint. Keep up the good work. We could not have gotten through this without your reference material and seeing how others have handled similar situations. Thank you.

A. Andersen said...

You obviously have had some experience with the devil churches. It is a good thing that you were not infected by the demons that inhabit these places. My wife was taken over by some snarling evil smelling thing every time that she stepped foot into the church. Eventually, she stopped coming home and it's been several years now since any of our family has heard from her. We don't know whether she is is alive or dead but what we do know is that if I had been more vigilant, I might have been able to stop this. It all started out as an innocent women's meeting and within a few short months, she was emotionally and spiritually gone. Her physical presence remained with us for another year or so but she was no longer the person that we knew. I can only hope that your family members see the light before such a thing happens to one or all of them.

Allen Bronson said...

These people all think that they are more spiritual than the next guy because they "believe" that they are speaking directly to the Lord in a language that only He can understand. Balderdash!!! There is no such thing as a heavenly language here on earth. The only heavenly language that we should be speaking is after we join our Saviour in heaven. Then everyone will understand everyone else. No-one here can interpret these devilish grunts and groans and if they say that they can, phooey! Thank you for being so clear in your messages.

Boris Dewallis said...

How do you know so much about these churches? We have just left one of them because the pastor wanted to trade houses with us (ours was much larger and paid for) and he wanted us to take over his mortgage because we, as members of his church, should make sure that he didn't have any outgoing expenses for living! Someone gave him a Jaguar and his wife got a BMW for Christmas. His kids are in private school -- all paid for by different members of the church. Somebody even buys their groceries for them. They got a 2 week vacation in the south -- again, completely paid for. Needless to say, we refused to comply. We were physically removed from the church. We have had ongoing harassment from the church members to the point where we had to get a restraining order. We now have our house up for sale and we are moving away because nobody followed the restraining order. We are not surprised at some of the comments that have been made here after our experience. Everyone should beware of any of these churches. I use the term "church" loosely.