Monday, September 9, 2013

Why Are Christian Positive Thinkers Wrong?

What Is Possibility Thinking?

Possibility thinking is Robert Schuller's Christian form of Positive Thinking.  He says, "I call it possibility thinking. Others call it faith."  In essence, he stresses never verbalizing negative emotions.  He also stresses conditioning the subconscious mind by programming positive thoughts into the conscious mind.  To Schuller, faith in oneself and self-esteem is vital to success.  He believes that in each one of us there resides an inner reservoir of divinely implanted creative potential which we can draw upon.  "Fill your life with the God Spirit and all kinds of power will break forth."

Schuller encourages Christians to use deep relaxation and meditation to enter the "alpha state."  He is wrong in teaching that Transcendental Meditation, for example, is not religious or anti-Christian.  It is both.  He is also wrong in teaching that the mantras with the "M" sound will help clear your mind from the distractions in the world.  Maharishi Yogi himself has said TM mantras are spiritual vehicles involving or invoking Hindu spirits or deities, which the Bible would identify as evil spirits or "demons."  Robert Schuller is also wrong in stating "it is important to remember that meditation in any form is the harnessing, by human beings, of God's divine laws."  They are clearly eastern or occultic.  They are used for occultic purposes, such a developing psychic powers or helping one realize one is God.  Schuller's form of meditation should be rejected by the church -- not accepted by it or practiced as a means of spiritual growth.

Robert Schuller's Religious Views

He believes what is needed is a "reformation of theology" along psychological lines.  He states that (1) "Christian theology has failed to accommodate" modern psychology; and (2) that Christian theology has failed to "apply the proven insights" of psychology to human behaviour.

Sin is Redefined

Schuller teaches "sin is any act or thought that robs myself or another human being of his or her self-esteem."  Thus, "the core of sin is a lack of self-esteem."  The Bible teaches something altogether different.  Sin is transgression against God and His law, not against oneself. (I John 3:4).  David said, "Against Thee, Thee only, I have sinned" (Psalm 51:4).  Robert Schuller teaches:  "Do not fear pride.  The easiest job God has is to humble us.  God's almost impossible task is to keep us believing every hour of every day how great we are as His sons and daughters. . . "  The Bible teaches "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble" and "pride goes before destruction" (James 4:6, Proverbs 16:18).

Salvation is Redefined

Schuller teaches "to be born again means that we must be changed from a negative to a positive self-image. . . "  He teaches "pursuing possibility thinking is the way of the cross. . . the cross sanctifies the ego trip."  He means that the hardships we experience will keep our self-esteem in check just like the cross Jesus died upon was God's method to keep Jesus' self-esteem in check.  Does Schuller mean to say that Jesus didn't have a perfect humanity and required the humility of the cross to keep His self-esteem in check?  The proper answer to that question is no.  Jesus was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.

The Bible teaches that salvation is repentance from sin (and self) and faith in Christ for forgiveness of sins (Acts 26:18).  As a result of being "born again," a true Christian will surrender his life to God and deny his own way.  Thus, the Bible teaches that the way of the cross is self-denial, not Possibility Thinking (Matthew 16:24, 25).

Unbelief is Redefined

Schuller teaches unbelief  "is really a profoundly deep sense of unworthiness."  Unbelief in the Bible is mainly referring to man's rejection of God's gift of salvation, that is, belief in His Son Jesus Christ (John 3:36).  This is what Schuller does not mention.  In fact, where in the Bible does God ever mention that unbelief is man not thinking he has value?  Where does the Bible say unbelief is a profoundly deep sense of unworthiness?

Hell is Redefined

Schuller teaches, "and what is 'hell'?  It is the loss of pride that naturally follows separation from God. . . the person is in hell when he has lost his self-esteem."  The Bible, however, teaches that hell is a real place of eternal torment, black darkness, and weeping and gnashing of teeth, not a state of mind. (Matthew 25:46; Revelation 20:10-15; Matthew 13:42).

Evangelism is Redefined

Schuller teaches, "I do not think anything has been done in the name of Christ and under the banner of Christianity that has proven more destructive to human personality, and hence counter productive to the evangelism enterprise than the often crude, uncouth and un-Christian strategy of attempting to make people aware of their lost and sinful condition."  He also teaches "for the church to address the unchurched with a theocentric [God centered] attitude is to invite failure in mission."  The Bible, however, teaches that unless people are aware of their "lost and sinful condition" before a Holy God (a "theocentric attitude"), they will never be saved (Romans 10:13-15).  Schuller is wrong.  Jesus said, "and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in His name to all nations" (Luke 24:47).

Sanctification is Redefined

Schuller states, "God's ultimate objective is to turn you and me into self-confident persons."  The Bible teaches God's ultimate purpose is to conform us to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29).  In conclusion, the above views of Robert Schuller are not biblical and should not be accepted by the Christian church.

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