From the Back Cover
The best-selling expose
by the host of The Bible Answer Man broadcast,
expanded and updated for the 21st century
COUNTERFEIT REVIVAL goes behind the scenes and uncovers the contradictions, false experiences, spiritual deception, and seductive allure of esoteric experience masquerading under the banner of truth. COUNTERFEIT REVIVAL draws you into the wildly popular and bizarre world of contemporary revivalism as it documents the devastating impact on congregations world-wide.
Counterfeit Revival provides biblical remedies to counter a paradigm shift that threatens to tear apart the very fabric of contemporary Christianity.
Hank Hanegraaff knows what he is talking about. He brings his unique talent, knowledge, research, and experience to full expression in this eminently readable, inherently memorable, and exhaustively documented evaluation of today's revivalism.
Satan is a master counterfeiter. Rather than presenting evil in its naked deformity, he masquerades as an angel of enlightenment. He wants people to encounter him and think they are in touch with the living God. His deception is a counterfeit revival.
"Truth is so obscure in these times and falsehood so established,
that unless we love the truth, we cannot know it."
--Blaise Pascal
HANK HANEGRAAFF serves as President and Chairman of the board of the Christian Research Institute International...Hanegraaff also hosts "The Bible Answer Man" radio program and is the author of popular books such as RESURRECTION and THE FACE THAT DEMONSTRATES THE FARCE OF EVOLUTION...
Part 1 - Fabrications, Fantasies and Frauds...
- The Holy Ghost Bartender
- The Party
- The Vineyard Connection
- The Pensacola Outpouring
- The Fatal Fruit
Part 2 - Lying Signs and Wonders
- Animals, Animation, Advertisements, and Athletics
- A Jack with a Lantern
- A Great Apostasy
- A Great Awakening
- A Muddy Mixture
Part 3 - End Time Restorationizm
- End Time Restoration of Tongues
- End Time Restoration of Healing
- End Time Restoration of Charismatic Unity
- End Time Restoration of Super Prophets and Apostles
- End Time Restoration Hoaxes
Part 4 - Slain in the Spirit
- Sisters
- Suspect Slayings
- Shakers and Quakers
- Seven Scriptural Pretexts
- Structural Defects
Part 5 - Hypnotism
- The Arrival of the Mesmerist
- The Altered State of Consciousness
- The Psychology of Peer Pressure
- The Exploitation of Expectations
- The Subtle Power of Suggestion
"It is easy to make someone believe a lie but very hard to undo that work again."
--Mark Twain
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