Miracles and healing -- over the centuries, few topics have remained as controversial. In this compelling book, Dr. Brad Burke, systematically investigates the world of miracles and physical healing that defies natural explanation. But some reported "miracles" may not be truly miracles at all. How does one explain those who report instantaneous healing? Are there reasons why we shouldn't give God the benefit of the doubt and label every astonishing healing a miracle? What insights does God provide us so we can know the difference?
If you're ready for the truth -- you're ready to read,
An M.D. examines: Does God still do miracles?
From the Introduction
... According to a Newsweek poll conducted at the turn of the millennium, "84 percent of adult Americans say they believe that God performs miracles and nearly half (48 percent) report that they have personally experienced or witnessed one." Whether or not you believe God still performs miracles, you would have to agree that we live in a world obsessed with the paranormal. To fill the church pews on a Sunday morning, all a preacher has to do is announce beforehand that his sermon series will focus on miracles, angels or demons. To empty pews, all he has to do is announce that his sermons will focus on the holiness of God.
But do miracles really show off, to the greatest extent, God's love, power, and dominion?
Well-known Bible teacher Dr John MacArthur writes:
In many ways the daily outworking of providence, in which God constantly must
orchestrate millions of details and circumstances, is a greater miracle
than what we ordinarily think of as a miracle.
The influential people God brings into our lives at opportune moments, the key resources He supplies us with to accomplish His precise goals, His mind-boggling attention to "millions of details and circumstances" to bring about His perfect sovereign plan for our lives -- all of this displays God's genius, power, dominion, wisdom, and love much more than "comparatively uncomplicated miracles." Therefore, it is a "greater exercise of faith." insists MacArthur to believe that God will work everything out by providence, than to believe that God will instantaniously fix our problems with one or two miracles...
To better understand why God allows us to suffer, we must first critically examine the subject of miracles. We must ask some key questions: What is a genuine miracle? Is it God's sovereign will that everyone be 100 percent healthy? How exactly does God heal us? Is God still doing miracles of healing today? If so, why isn't He doing more? How common are genuine miracles of healing?
...Doesn't God warn us in the scriptures that false prophets will come and deceive people with counterfeit signs and wonders (see 2 Thess. 2:9-10)? Why then do Christians in some denominations harshly scold those who are doing what God commands everyone to do? (Examine everything carefully" 1 Thess. 5:21)...It takes absolutely no faith to believe in everything we can see and hear. But it takes real faith and courage to trust in God for what we can't see. For God tells us, "We live by faith, not by sight" (2 Cor. 5:7).
This is, undeniably, a precariously sensitive subject that some churches and authors wouldn't dare touch with a ten-foot Bible. For if we conclude by the end of the book that miracles of healing aren't occurring today or that they are uncommon, I will have angered many who have based their theology on the idea that God guarantees us health. If, instead, we conclude that miracles are commonplace and that God wills every believer to be well, I will have offended many dear saints who are suffering terribly with physical symptoms. They'll wonder, "If God is doing so many miracles today, why isn't He healing me?"
It is inevitable that I will offend someone in this book. Nonetheless, the apostles never backed down from seeking out and proclaiming the truth -- and neither will I.
Ch. 1 - The Greatest Miracle Worker
Ch. 2 - Faith Healers: God's Servants or God's Embarrassments
Ch. 3 - Insights from the World of Medicine
Ch. 4 - "What Do You Think, Doc?"
Ch. 5 - "Where's My Miracle, Lord?"
Ch. 6 - How Common Are Genuine Miracles of Healing?
Ch. 7 - Solomon's Clues
Appendix 1 - Does God Promise Us Perfect Health?
Brad Burke, M.D. unofficially began his writing career in medical school when he started writing full-length screen plays. Following his residency training at UCLA, Brad took a five year sabbatical from medicine to write the series, An M.D. Examines. Currently, Brad lives with his wife, Erin, in the Windsor/Detroit area where he practices as a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist.
This book may be purchased from www.amazon.com.
1 comment:
I am very impressed with the obvious research that you have pursued on your blog.I have started to read some of these books which I hope will help me prepare to fight with my family to get them out of the church.
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