From the Back Cover
"Unless I am convinced by
Scripture and plain reason,
my conscience is captive
to the Word of God."
- Martin Luther
Scripture and reason -- the two together comprise the formula for true discernment. Yet in many North American churches, reason has been abandoned for something more digestible: faith that feels good. It is what Pastor John F. MacArthur calls "reckless faith" -- and it leads people away from the one true God.
Because of it, numerous Christians have lost their way, they've given up absolute truth in favour of blind, uncritical trust. Replaced black-and-white, foundational doctrine with clouded belief systems. They've even come to view reason and doctrine with contempt -- as if spiritual truth were supposed to bypass the mind altogether.
In the wake of such emotion-based "faith," the church is losing its ability to discern right from wrong. And it is leaving itself defenseless against false teaching.
But there is still time for the church to turn around. Still time for a return to discernment -- if Christians will "incline their hearts to understanding" and begin to use their hearts, their minds and the unchanging Word of God to determine the truth that endures forever.
Inside the Front Cover
"...Spiritual truth is meant to be rationally contemplated, examined logically, studied, analyzed, and employed as the only reliable basis for making wise judgments. That process is precisely what Scripture calls discernment."
In a society that is hostile to anyone who declares absolutes, that tolerates faith in any form, that values emotion over reason and trendiness over conviction, it's no surprise that many North American churches have lost their ability to discern between Biblical truth and doctrinal error.
Such emotional, reckless "faith" inevitably leads to Spiritual disaster, taking its followers on a dangerous journey that leaves them defenseless against false teaching.
Reckless Faith is a plea for discernment. A plea from God's Word -- and from the heart of pastor and best-selling author John F. MacArthur -- for Christians, and the church itself, to return to the truth.
This book takes a serious historical look at where many Christians have gone wrong, and explains in-depth the point at which faith becomes "reckless." It also gives a clear prescription for how the church can return to discernment, and offers a detailed discussion of the fundamentals of Christian belief -- all of which can help concerned believers formulate a biblical response to contemporary trends like fundamentalist political activism, forging links with Roman Catholics, and the animal rights movement.
Spiritual discernment begins with God's Word. But authentic faith cannot bypass the mind. It requires that we engage our intellect as well: "As Christians, we need not fear to use our rational faculties. We need not distrust sound logic. We need not -- we dare not -- abandon reason...For when a church loses its will to discern between sound doctrine and error, between good and evil, between truth and lies, that church is headed for spiritual crisis."
Ch. 1 - The War Against Reason
Ch. 2 - The Rise of Reckless Faith
Ch. 3 - The Biblical Formula for Discernment
Ch. 4 - What are the Fundamentals of Christianity
Ch. 5 - Evangelicals and Catholics Together
Ch. 6 - Laughing Till it Hurts
Ch. 7 - Looking for Truth in All the Wrong Places
Appendix 1 - Is Roman Catholicism Changing
This book may be purchased at www.amazon.com or through John F. MacArthur's website.
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