Friday, February 11, 2011

Reason 11: Tape Recorder Test Disproves Interpretation of Tongues

If no one passes the Interpretation test, then neither does anyone possess the genuine gift of tongues.

This scientific test will disprove anyone's claim to have the gift of "Interpretation of tongues".

Assemble, one person who claims to have the gift of tongues, and another two people who claim to have the gift of interpreting tongues, keeping both groups separate.

Let the first person speak in tongues, while you tape record him speaking.

Then bring the first interpreter into the room to hear the taped tongue replayed.

Tape record his interpretation of the tongue.

Then bring the second interpreter into the room to hear the same tongue replayed.

Tape record his interpretation of the same tongue.  You will find that the second interpretation will disagree with the first person's interpretation.

Why is this?  It is because no one today has the first century supernatural gift of interpretation of tongues, this gift having passed away by 70 AD.

It follows therefore, that if the interpretation gift is found to be NON-GENUINE, then the tongues gift is also NON-GENUINE.

Notice please that when someone speaks gibberish, claiming that he is speaking in an unknown tongue, he is, by deception, taking advantage of the fact that the hearer does not know every language in the Universe.  The hearer, who is caught off guard, finds it hard to state that this gibberish is not a language.

So let us turn the tables and ask if his two interpreter friends can interpret any tongue consistently.

Note:  A variation on this test is to get up in a Charismatic meeting, speak something in a foreign language that you know the meaning of, and then ask for it to be correctly interpreted, e.g. quote the Lords prayer in Latvian.  You will find that the interpretation given, will be nothing like the true meaning of what you said.  You may then expose them publicly as deceivers and as being deceived.


Frances Cole said...

This would be an interesting thing to see since tongues don't really exist. I am sending this to our children's pastor. I want to see him do this and really get a true interpretation. Great blog.

Karenia Petrovik said...

I don't where you are finding this information but it certainly has been an eye-opener for us. I especially like the "test" for tongues because I have seen this first-hand that when something is interpreted, nobody gets it right which means that it is all a farce. The tongue speakers in our church all left after an incident similar to this one happened although there was no tape recorder used. We now have a great preacher who doesn't even teach about tongues and nobody is speaking in them at our church anymore.

Bethany & Frank Holden said...

What a wonderful test this would be for a pastor to use to prove that the "gobblegook" being voiced in his church is nothing but garbage. This should be sent to every Charismatic/Pentecostal/Victory church in Canada and let's see if they can justify what they are doing! Good work, Grand Poo-Bah!

Irma Layton said...

Are you kidding me? Where did you find this? I am sending this to my sister right away -- she is going to have to justify how she can remain in one of these tongue-speaking churches now! I have long told her that she was in the wrong church but these last few blogs have really opened my eyes as to how bad it really is!

Warren Hall said...

Great blog! It's time to take these churches to task.

Ariel Cushman said...

Fabulous information. This is a fact that has long been one of my pet peeves! I could not get anyone in our church to believe that these gifts are not for today. I am taking a tape recorder to our next small group and try to get this test done so I can prove to my husband that we are in the WRONG church.

Karie & Kale Newmann said...

How can this possibly be? We are in a church that has been teaching falsehoods and it took your blog for us to see the light. We are unbelievably grateful. Now it is time to leave. We are part of Victory Churches International in Tampa, FL and next Sunday, we will be at the little Baptist church (which is how both of us were raised) around the corner from where we live. Thank you.

Howard Thomson said...

This is really something! I would have never thought to have my children tape record some of these tongue speakers and their interpretations. What a great idea! Especially since I speak another language and it would be so easy to disprove their beliefs. I am ready to try that to get them out of this church.

Isabella Crozier said...

They should try this at some of these Pentecostal churches. It sure would put a damper on their ability to recruit new converts if nobody could interpret the language the same. Especially since it is nothing more that unsubstantiated sounds and grunts. I'd really like to see two people interpret that the same way!

Jaclyn Naples-Young said...

This is a great idea! How will the pastor explain when nothing translated is even close to being the same thing! I am sending this to my daughter-in-law right now. Let her now figure out how to tell me that this is Scriptural!

Blanche Boudreau said...

It's about time that someone put out a test for this junk tongues. I'd like to see any of the Pentecostal/Charismatics stand up and actually try this! They'd fail miserably. I think that the blog is true with these gifts having ceased centuries ago and that they are no longer relevant in today's church. I'm really glad I'm a Methodist!

Carol Christiansen said...

This is something that needs to be put to the test at any tongue-speaking church. You should sent this to the Pentecostal Assembly leadership and then let them explain the discrepancies between translations. Good for you!

Dean Yellos said...

Doesn't this just take the cake! It's about time there was a test for tongues and this is a good one. I am sending the link to my family who are out of state and involved in one of these churches. Maybe God can give them the discernment that we had when we visited them last month and realized what they were involved in.

Marsha Whyte said...

This is unbelieveable. I am sending the link to my family who are in a Pentecostal church and I want them to test out this theory! I am sure you are right!

Harry Crammer said...

How appropriate. I would like to see this recorder test done in every charismatic church worldwide. How soon can we start?