Sunday, May 18, 2008

Not Just Any Church Will Do!

Now that you know the truth, the big question is, "Where do you find it being taught?" Because you don't want to spend your time, especially if you are a new Christian, in a church where they teach anything other than the truth.

In my sixty years of life, I have spent fifty-one of them as a born-again Christian and have been exposed to True Christian teaching for longer than that. To put it bluntly, "I know the truth when I hear it and I also know when I am hearing lies." I was very fortunate to be brought up in a church from the age of five where True Christianity was taught week in and week out. Fifty-one years is a lot of sermons and a lot of exposure to truth.

The majority of churches do not teach True Christianity so finding a good church to attend is a difficult task. Not just any church will do! It matters what you believe and it therefore matters what you listen to -- week in and week out. It makes a difference which church you attend. Before you decide to attend any particular church on a regular basis, you need to do some research on its history and background. Following are some questions that you need to answer for yourself:
  1. Is this a newly created denomination or movement that has just emerged on the scene? If so, what are its teachings and are they true to Scripture?

  2. Are there any books written by reputable authors about this new movement? If books are available, read them.

  3. Ask your Christian family and friends about this church. Have they heard any rumours about its teachings?

  4. Pray for discernment to know whether this organization could possibly be a cult because there are more false teachers out there today than there are people teaching the truth.

  5. Make sure that any church you commit to attend on a regular basis has as its central theme and purpose for existence as Jesus Christ, crucified and resurrected. (See the two previous postings).

  6. Modern day cults are very clever because they mix truth with falsehoods so that the unsuspecting will accept their false teachings. You need to be aware of these.

There are a number of churches in the City of Barrie that teach True Christianity. Some of these denominations may be available in your area. Listed alphabetically, they are: Barrie Alliance, Barrie Free Methodist, Bethel Community Church, Christian Reformed Church, Church of the Nazarene, Emmanuel Baptist, First Baptist, Heritage Baptist, Inniswood Baptist, Willow Creek Baptist.

These are not the only churches who teach True Christianity but these are the ones that I am familiar with in Barrie. In these churches, you will not find speaking in tongues, the health and wealth gospel, divine revelation, the doctrine of subsequence, faith as a force, signs and wonders, modern day prophets, healing and miracles, or positive confession. All of these teachings are false and based on misinterpretation of Scripture or there is no Scriptural basis at all.

Do not attend any church which emphasizes or teaches any of the above themes over and above Christ and Him Crucified. The Cross is the one and only central theme of the church. Your primary concern when choosing a church should be "Is it teaching the Truth?"

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