Gillian Andersen says -- Having read a lot these people's stories, it amazes me how things can get so out of hand in such a short time. At least that's what it sounds like. I am praying for all that God will restore the families.
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- Thank you for your prayers and please continue to pray. Things got out of hand quickly because of the power of television. The Faith Movement owns and operates Trinity Broadcasting Network and therefore has a world-wide audience to enable them to spread the garbage that they are teaching.
Menhardt Ryker says -- I'd like to say that your blog has really opened my eyes to some of these insidious things that are going on in the so-called Christian community. The fact that these cults are on television every week is frightening. There needs to be a grass-roots revolt against these groups.
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- True Christians need to be demonstrating at all of these churches with placards every week. They are on TV because they can be. Unsuspecting Christians are sending them money to supposedly spread the Gospel. This allows them to pay for television time to perpetuate their false teachings world-wide and it gives them access into millions of homes. The simple answer to this is to stop sending money.
Gayle Grisham says -- My children have been drawn deeper and deeper into one of these churches. At first, I didn't really see what was going on but I have just been uninvited for the holidays because their "new" family is coming. We always had a good relationship before they started believing that if they gave "seed" faith, they would be hugely rewarded here...there is no basis for this in anything that I have read.
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- This story is a good example of how these groups, with the help of Satan, are using brainwashing and mind control to ruin families. The Grand Poo-Bah's family also refers to other members of their "church" as "mom & dad." This will be the third Christmas I haven't seen my three kids or seven grandchildren. These cults instruct their people to have nothing to do with anybody who disagrees with their teachings.
"Seed" faith appears nowhere in Scripture. This is a concept developed by the Faith Movement leaders to get people to part with large sums of their hard-earned money with the promise of a huge return on the investment. "Seed" faith has allowed these corrupt faith leaders to amass huge fortunes. It was a very clever scheme that worked. The Christian community continues to build their fortunes week after week and allows them to own cattle ranches and multiple lavish homes around the world. The answer to this problem is simple -- keep your hard-earned money!
Erika Harrison says -- I would like to add my story. Last year my fiance met a pastor at some function. He was invited to an event at this guy's church. He really liked it so decided to keep going to the men's meetings once a week. (We were new to the town and really didn't know anybody.) Within six months, he had broken up with me because I refused to go to the church with him. Now just over a year after his first meeting, he is married to someone at the church that was hand-picked by the pastor. His parents were devasted because he didn't even tell them that we had broken up.
B. & G. Adams says -- Our story is very similar to yours. Our two sons and their families have been involved with a Word of Faith church now for almost six years. We have not seen them or their families for four years. Their new spiritual family (the church) controls everything that they do...or that's how it seems to us. Please add us to your prayer list for restoration of our family. We are praying for everyone on the list.
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- Rest assured that we will be praying for you. My youngest son was a youth pastor for one of Bishop Keith Butler's churches in Toronto (no Bible-school training). It's a Word of Faith church. Butler has apparently raised enough money from unsuspecting Christians through his network of churches world-wide to work on running for the United States Senate. God forbid that this should ever happen.
The McIntosh Family says -- Give it up. You and these writers have no idea how wonderful it is to be part of a great community that loves and cares for us when our families have turned us away. We totally feel sorry that you all are missing the blessings of God.
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- This loving and caring community you talk about is using that as a cover for their real agenda -- to get their hands on your money. You have a need to be loved and cared for. The cult knows this and is using it to take advantage of you. You need to leave this cult and go back to your family. They did not turn you away but rather you allowed the false teaching of this church to come between them and you. They are right and you are wrong. You need to ask for forgiveness for being so guillible and needy and go back home.
Terese Wyatt says -- I hope your family is reading also. Everyone who has been in any kind of contact with any of these people should read your blog.
Karl Wilson says -- Wonderful blog. We wish you all the best as you continue the fight against these cults.
Jane Teston says -- It's about time that someone took on these faith churches. They are such a crock. My daughter and her family have been in one of the churches that you have mentioned. They get more distant from us every week. They have not been involved long so I am hoping that we can get her to read this blog when we visit her at Christmas. Thank you for openly discussing your issues.
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- Distance between family members is a huge flag that something is very wrong. Satan is at work in their lives. He is doing some of his "best work" right under our noses inside the church (especially the Pentecostal church.)
M. Gray says -- Well, don't you think you're clever. I am sorry that you think you have the right to criticize other churches. We believe that we are being taught the whole Word of God and not just what the traditional churches teach. You really should stop writing this garbage and get yourself right with God. Then He will bless you!
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- I have a serious problem with your assertion that traditional churches teach less than the whole Word of God. This attitude is elitist and a bald-faced lie from the pit of hell. Your acceptance of this statement is also appalling. You obviously have a very limited Christian background and you don't know a falsehood when you hear it.
Criticizing false teachers and their teachings is Scriptural. When someone tells you that they are the only church teaching the "whole Word of God" it marks them as a cult. To repeat myself, this is a lie direct from the lips of Satan and many people like yourself are being suckered in.
God has called me to write this blog and He is obviously blessing it and I am thankful for that. To my knowledge it has not helped my children yet but as long as it is helping someone I will continue to write it. Only God's Holy Spirit can bring about the desired result of getting people out of these cults.
The Apostolics say -- You are really testing our patience. Your comments are unfounded as we are growing healthier each day with the help of our Lord. Before He strikes you down, you should just stop this vile blog.
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- For your information, I am very well-read on the subject of these Faith Movement, Word of Faith, Victory Churches International cults. You need to read some of the books I have pictured in a previous blog. The Apostolic Movement does not have even one Bible-scholar anywhere in its ranks. If you knew your Bible, your Movement would not even exist.
Don't you think if I wasn't supposed to be writing this blog He would have struck me down by now! This blog is serious business. People's eternal destinies are at stake when it comes to these cults and their false teachings. Far too many Christians are totally unaware that Christianity is in crisis due to the existence of the Faith Movement, Word of Faith and Victory Churches International. The before mentioned groups are claiming to be Christian and have no right to do so based on their teachings. The Health and Wealth Gospel simply is not true and has no basis in Scripture.
O. Talbot says -- Having just found your blog, I find it utterly unbelievable that so many people can be taken in by something that is so wrong. No-one is supposed to expect to be wealthy and healthy as a right. If God chooses that for you, fine. But we cannot tell God what to do. I will be watching and reading your blog with some interest in the future.
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- Appreciate your comments. Look forward to hearing from you in the future.
T.S. Callerone says -- Isn't it interesting that we are just now seeing the seriousness of these cult leaders after many, many years of watching them come along and gradually gobble up innocent and gullible people. Having watched my church lose over half our members to the local "feel good" religious leader, I am appalled at how easy it was for him to lure these people in. Keep up the work, is not in vain.
Annie Balder says -- I guess I was fortunate. I was invited to one of these churches and from the moment I went through the door, I knew there was something evil there. It's all very nice at first but there is a lot of darkness in the one I visited. When the chanting and gibberish started, well, I picked up my purse and left. There's nothing that could convince me to ever go back.
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- The same thing happened to me. I visited Barrie Victory Centre with my wife and her daughter (in the early days before brainwashing had taken hold) for a baby dedication. After about an hour of what you describe in your comments, we had to leave. On the way to the car, we were all shaking our heads, looked at each other and said, "There's something very evil going on in that place." There was this terrible awareness of evil and darkness. We all came to the conclusion that this was Satan's church. Satan is having his way with these people. What a sad situation. Good for you. Wise decision. We haven't been back either.
R. Ryler says -- We are in agreement with your assessment that the mainstream churches are not assisting those of us with family members or friends in these cult churches. It's as if they think at least they are going to church. But with a church like this, they'd be better off not going. We enjoy reading your blog and are glad that someone like you is able to take a stand and not knuckle under to keep the peace in your family.
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- Most churches have programs for this and for that. There is no shortage of groups for every need or interest. In these last days there needs to be a cult-awareness program in every church to protect future generations from this serious threat. There are plenty of materials on modern day cults available.
In a free society, cults will continue to grow. Guard your children and teach them well and pray hard. Satan is very busy in the church these days.
Manny Ramieras says -- Honestly, when will these people stop whining and figure out how to get their family members back on track. Or leave them alone there and move on. If they are adults, they can choose their own path.
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- Your seemingly total lack of concern for this issue is alarming. It's just this attitude that allows these cults to exist and run rampant over Christian churches. It's hard to imagine that if you had family members involved in a cult that you would have nothing to say. Maybe you are not a Christian and do not understand the ramifications of such an attitude. If you read some of these books, you would have a completely different understanding of the cult issues.
H. Harry says -- What awful problems these false teachers create. I am glad that I do not have any children that I have to raise in these end times.
Bonita Inks says -- We have several of these cultic churches in our town and have watched with great concern as they have grown at an alarming rate. They started small, in people's homes, and have now moved into other churches (renting) or store-front facilities. One of our friends has had her niece start attending and she has undergone a personality change that is frightening. Your blog has provided a lot of information that I can share with my friend.
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- Personality change is one of the marks of a cult. My three children have all undergone personality changes. They are not the children I used to know. Please pray for Jason, Darren and Glenn and their families.
N. Boisvert says -- I was amazed at some of the stories that people are willing to share about their personal lives. Guess they have to get things off their chests but surely they see how pathetic they look when they cannot control their own wives and children. What is wrong with these people?
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- What is wrong with these people is that they are needy and cults are in the business of "meeting needs." That's how they get their converts and also how they hold on to them.
D. Grey says -- I have lost my wife to these charlatans. Her pastor has gotten involved with a number of the wives and they are now moving to another state where they can "feel the Lord" without outside influences.
The Grand Poo-Bah says -- Charlatans" is a good word to describe Faith Movement, Word of Faith, Victory Churches International leaders.
"Feel the Lord" Key word here is "feel." A belief system that is rooted in feelings will eventually let you down. You will become disallusioned, walk away from the church and never return. I am very sorry to hear about your wife.
Words of Wisdom for the New Year:
Zig Ziglar says: "Truth is true even if nobody believes it and falsehood is false even if everybody believes it."
Sign Seen on a Billboard: If you find yourself going in the wrong direction, always remember, Christ accepts U turns.
New blogs will be posted in the New Year.
I surely hope that you will continue to be strong in the faith as you fight against these evil cults. How they have managed to get a foothold in our faith makes me realize how close we are to the end times. This is all Scriptural about the false teachers who will deceive and lead astray many of the faithful before our Lord returns. Keep the faith!
It absolutely astounds me that I am one of those people who got taken in by one of these cults. I somehow ended up in a word of faith church in B.C. It was all very nice and pleasant until I was called out on not giving enough money for tithing. I later found out that someone from the church worked for Revenue Canada and was (sneaking) looks at the income tax reports of members of our church. Although I cannot prove it, I am sure he was giving this information to our Deacons Board because they knew exactly what my net income was for last year. I walked away, have lost all my family and friends. I am also now being audited by Revenue Canada over questionable donations. Just wanted to share and make people aware of what might be going on behind the scenes at some of these cults.
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