Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The 12 Basic Errors of False Religion

Each cult is guilty of one or more certain characteristic doctrinal errors. Once you know what these typical errors are, you can know what is basically wrong with the cult, whatever weird or seemingly rational form it may take. Awareness of these characteristics can help you spot creeping errors among true Christians too and save you from going astray.
  1. Extra Biblical Revelation
  2. False Basis of Salvation
  3. Uncertain Hope
  4. Presumptuous Messianic Leadership
  5. Doctrinal Ambiguity
  6. The Claim of "Special Discoveries"
  7. Defective Christology
  8. Segmented Biblical Attention
  9. Enslaving Organizational Structure
  10. Financial Exploitation
  11. Denunciation of Others
  12. Syncretism

Most cults display a number of these characteristics but if your church displays any one of these characteristics, it can be considered a cult.

For more information on the errors of false religion, consult David Breese's book, "Know the Marks of Cults".

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