Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Cult Susceptibility Quiz

  1. I am lonely a good part of the time.
  2. I tend to be a follower more than a leader.
  3. I am not very satisfied with my church.
  4. Somehow, I feel my idealism and purpose in life haven't been properly tapped or challenged.
  5. I've been having some personal problems I can't seem to solve.
  6. The cult issue is not much of an issue in society.
  7. There are about ten to twenty cults in Canada and the U.S.
  8. I could spot a cult with little effort.
  9. Most cultists wear unusual clothing or uniforms.
  10. Most cults recruit on the street by selling flowers or books, or by requesting a donation.
  11. There are very few cultic problems within evangelical Christianity.
  12. All cults teach non-Christian or heretical doctrine.
  13. I am not the type of person who joins a cult.
  14. Most people who join cults are weird. They have "problems".
  15. Truly dedicated, Spirit-led Christians would never join a cult.
  16. People are in cults because of spiritual problems.
  17. People in cults are not "saved".
  18. Cultism has little to do with totalitarianism or addiction.
  19. People who join cults know what they are doing.
  20. Groups that preach the Gospel and are winning many to Christ cannot be cultic.

If you answered "true" to any of these questions, you may be susceptible to cults. Most people are susceptible to cults either because of unmet needs or ignorance of cult issues. The first five questions on the above quiz suggest that personal unmet needs make a person vulnerable to the right pitch. The remaining fifteen questions reveal typical "myths" and misinformation about the cult problem.

From "Cult Proofing Your Kids" by Dr. Paul R. Martin.

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