Monday, April 21, 2008

Redefining Christianity

Barrie Victory Centre has as its purpose and motto "Releasing the Restoring Fire of God". Where in Scripture does it say that this is the purpose of the church? In fact, where does it say that you are even supposed to be doing this at all. This church is attempting to redefine Christianity and in particular "the Gospel that was delivered to the Saints". "The Gospel" like the character of Christ is unchanging and steadfast, NEVER changing. "He is the same yesterday, today and forever" as is the Gospel. To add to it or take away from it in any way is blasphemy and punishable by death.

What would happen if Christ returned and found out what's going on at Barrie Victory Centre? Here's just a few things He would be appalled at:

Healing included in the Atonement - man-made theology. Kenneth Hagan renounced everything about the faith movement on his deathbed.

Speaking in Tongues - not for today

Modern Day Prophets - not for today

Divine Revelation is being used by the leadership as a substitution for a proper education at a respected Bible College. (Canada Christian College is not one of those)

Faith Healing - God heals but on His agenda and in His time and not everybody "with enough faith" gets healed.

Miracles - not for today

Positive Confession - A throwback to Catholicism and not found in Scripture. It does more harm than good.

Thou Shalt Not Read Any Books Other Than the Bible - The purpose behind this is to control the minds and thoughts of their followers, keep opposition and questionning minds silent.

The truth is that Christianity is very subtly being redefined right in front of their faces and it no longer looks like or resembles true Christianity but rather a VERY different gospel.

If you attend BVC, with the littany of errors being taught, you have to ask yourself, How Far Away From Truth Can You Go before you can no longer claim to be a Christian?

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