Sunday, April 13, 2008

Beyond Christianity

We are living in a day when many are trying to move beyond Christianity.

The word "beyond" has a certain appeal. Something that is forever fixed and changeless in the minds of some seems to be stodgy and undynamic. Things must forever progress in order to avoid boredom. We demand new fascinations to feed our ever-shortening spans of interest.

This demand for new fascinations has led many to try to move beyond the faith once delivered to the saints to something newer (and therefore presumably truer) and more exciting. Wise words that apply in this situation are "if it's new, it isn't true; and if it's true, it isn't new."

Christianity should not be thought of as a stone wall behind which we cannot get. It is rather the highest mountain-top beyond which it is downhill no matter which way one goes. There is nothing greater, nothing higher, and certainly nothing more magnificient than the mountain-top of divine revelation in Scripture and in Jesus Christ. To move beyond that mountain-top in the pursuit of something better is to lose ones self in the crags and crevices of the slopes that fall away from real Christianity. Beyond the crevices of heresy are the fever swamps of the cults, where the serpents and the scorpions wait.

Beyond Christianity is death, hopelessness, darkness, and heresy. (David Breese)

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