Monday, April 28, 2008

Fringe Churches

"Unlike physical abuse that often results in bruised bodies, spiritual and pastoral abuse leaves scars on the psyche and soul." (Ronald Enroth)

A.W. Tozer once said that sin can thrive at the very altar of God. And the sin of cultism thrives within the ranks of orthodoxy. Because aberrant Christian churches -- or "fringe" churches, as they are sometimes called -- are such a large problem.

Only God knows the untold numbers who have been spiritually damaged by those who subscribe to all the fundamentals of the faith. Pastors and parents alike need to look beneath the cloak of orthodoxy and examine the actual behaviour, conduct, and activities of a particular church or ministry as well as how they influence the lives of members.

Characterististics of Fringe Churches

Ronald Enroth, author of "Churches That Abuse", has written extensively on the fringe group problem. These "fringe" churches possess characteristics that set them apart from mainstream evangelicalism which include:

  1. Control-oriented leadership. A great emphasis is placed on submission and obedience to group authority.
  2. Spiritual elitism. A "we" vs "they" mentality. These groups view themselves as either the only "true" Christians or as the only ones who really have the current "vision."
  3. Manipulation of members. (Environmentally and informationally). Members are frequently told where to live or work, who to date, what to read, and even where to go for their vacations.
  4. "Siege Mentality" and Perceived Persecution. Any criticism is viewed as "persecution" - others seem to be out to get them.
  5. Lifestyle Rigidity. Strictures are often enforced regarding sleeping, eating, exercise, and leisure time.
  6. Emphasis on the Subjective Experience. Undue stress on "Words from the Lord," "God showed me," "the Lord told me," and "I sense the Spirit."
  7. Denunciation of other churches. Those outside are viewed as "lukewarm," not "Spirit-filled," "dead," lacking vision or dedication, and lost.
  8. Suppression of dissent. Criticism is viewed as faction, slander, rebelliousness, and evidence that one is lacking a teachable spirit.
  9. Harsh discipline of members. Those who question teachings or practices of the group are often shunned and their reputations ruined by public exposure of their "sin."
  10. Painful exit process. Target members may be cut off without warning -- formerly close friends will break all ties.

If you have been a member of Barrie Victory Centre for some time, you should be very familiar with all ten characteristics listed above. If you are newly affiliated with Barrie Victory Centre, it won't be long before you are caught up in their tangled web of lies and deceit. With a clever mixture of misinterpreted Scripture and man-made theology, it won't be long before you will be so confused about what true Christianity is, that you'll be sitting there shaking your head wondering, "What have I gotten myself into here?"

The answer is simple -- it's a cult!

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